Kevin McCarthy Gives Cheeky Response About His New Government Job

Former House Speaker and Rep. Kevin McCarthy has barely left office, yet he’s already lined up for his next job in government: jury duty.

The Bakersfield Republican posted on his social media accounts Tuesday that he was ending questions about his next move after leaving Congress in December.

“There has been a lot of speculation about what I am going to do next,” he wrote. “I am ready to put an end to the rumours. I’m on jury duty!

U.S. law exempts elected officials from having to serve as jurors. However, just days after retiring from public office, McCarthy was welcomed back to private life with a subpoena from the Kern County Courts and, unlike the House committee’s Jan. 6 subpoena, He didn’t challenge her.

McCarthy announced his abrupt resignation from Congress in early December, just months after a small group of Republicans aligned with Democrats to remove McCarthy from his role as House leader. After the historic vote, McCarthy quelled rumors that he would seek the job again. McCarthy was the 55th speaker of the House for 269 days. His 16 years in Congress ended on December 31.

The former congressman has remained silent about his next steps as a private citizen, although with his fundraising prowess and experience as a state and federal legislator, many have speculated that he will remain politically involved in the private sector. However, his first move after leaving the Capitol was to try a different branch of government.

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