House Speaker Mike Johnson survives impeachment vote

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene gestures toward a photo of House Speaker Mike Johnson during a news conference with Rep. Thomas Massie at the U.S. Capitol on May 1. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

House Speaker Mike Johnson is expected to face a vote on his impeachment, a crucial moment that presents a major leadership test for the Louisiana Republican even though he is expected to prevail.

House Democratic leaders have said Democrats will vote to kill the effort led by Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, effectively ensuring that Johnson does not lose his job.

A failed vote will give Johnson the opportunity to argue that it is time to put the issue behind him. But support from Democrats will expose Johnson to even more criticism from his right flank.

It's not yet clear how many Republicans will vote against Johnson; the higher the number, the greater the blow to the president's standing within the House Republican conference.

Greene has said she will force a vote in the coming days, increasing pressure on Johnson and setting up a major showdown in the House of Representatives. Even if the vote fails, as expected, it still threatens to intensify divisions among House Republicans, who control a razor-thin majority.

Many Republicans oppose the push to oust Johnson and do not want the conference to devolve into bitter infighting as happened after former President Kevin McCarthy was ousted in a historic and unprecedented vote last year.

Read more about the threat of overthrow here.

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