Hannity: Biden's failures and plummeting poll numbers can't be hidden

Fox News' Sean Hannity says President Biden's struggles are becoming more evident on “Hannity.”

SEAN HANNITY: And as Trump continues to rise, well, Joe Biden's struggles They are only becoming more evident. Now, earlier today, walking up the small stairs, not the big ones, to Air Force One, well, he once again seemed to stumble before recovering. Now, despite the obvious struggles, according to a New York Times editor, the White House is “extremely upset” with the newspaper's coverage of Biden's age and unpopularity. Does the Biden White House really expect that even his willing accomplices, his allies in the media mafia; Do they really expect them to ignore the obvious daily struggles of a very weak, fragile, and cognitively compromised president? Is that what you expect?


Now, fortunately for the White House, Biden's failures and free fall in poll numbers cannot be hidden. Now, according to a new Monmouth poll, Biden's approval rating is an absolute disaster: Only 38% of respondents approve of Joe and the job he's done as president. And when you dive into those numbers, well, things only get worse. On the subject of inflation, which, as you all know, has been one of the cornerstones of the “Bidenomy”. Well, he's completely out of control since he took office. Only 34% approve of his job performance. And after dealing with the consequences of his open border policy for more than three years, which has caused nothing but havoc in every corner of our country. Well, only 26% approve of his performance on the immigration issue, but they continue to blame Trump. What a joke.

But perhaps most alarming for the Biden campaign is a new poll conducted in Deep blue New York, my old home state, that shows Joe up just 12 points over Donald Trump, receiving less than 50%. This is one of the most liberal states in the country. Now, this is a state that Joe Biden won by more than 20 points in 2020, getting more than 60% of the vote at that time. So what does all this mean for Joe Biden As the 2024 campaign cycle heats up? Well, it's certainly not good. A Gallup report from last Friday states that political and economic indicators are “not promising for Biden.” That's stating the obvious. In fact, the report goes on to say, “Presidents with approval ratings of 50% or higher close to Election Day have all been re-elected. All but one president with an approval rating below 50% lost.”


So in the last Gallup poll from January, well, what was Joe's approval rating there? Well, it was 41%, not even close to 50. So, as Biden's poll numbers continue to plummet, alarm bells are ringing for Democrats. It's like you have alarms going on, you know, 24/7. And, frankly, rightly so. And yet another bad omen for Biden. Well you have Nate Silver from 538. He wrote a pretty scathing article yesterday about the Biden campaign, saying in part that “he's losing now and there's no plan to fix the problems other than hoping the polls are wrong.”

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