Gutfeld: Joe Biden's big dementia scandal is suddenly attracting general public attention

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GREG GUTFELD: Remember Harvey Weinstein, the sex addict? How horrible. He stood out in an industry where pepper spray is a condiment. Remember what he first said when he was accused?

Weinstein said that if he was pardoned, his mission would be to send Donald Trump into retirement. He thought that would divert us from his depravity. It was a depravity, as we later discovered, that all of Hollywood knew about but ignored, like my script for Bridget Jones's Diarrhea. So either the Weinstein accusations were going to blow up, or Harvey was going to cover his ass with enough hatred of Trump to get away with the accusation.

If it had been up to the media, I would have made it. But there were too many victims and they were speaking out loud. Doesn't that sound exactly like what's happening now? Like that scary dog ​​your whole neighborhood hated?

He Biden's dementia story has He ran out of the yard barking and leaving a trail of feces behind him. And once again, Trump hatred is the weapon of mass distraction.


Anyway, what a self-righteous fraud. So you see Weinstein's strategy: we must defeat Orange Hitler to enable Joe's atrocity and senility.

Will it work this time? No. Scranton Joe's confidence is fading like the spray tan on his gaunt, empty face. And now, just as Hollywood covers up Harvey because they profit from it, we see that our media has been covering up Joe's flabby ass, and theirs too. As Joe disintegrated.

Those of us who called out Joe’s incapacity were vilified or ignored, like Jesse Watters on a nude beach. Meanwhile, The Times, Washington Post, Axios and all the rest either obsessed over a flag outside Justice Alito’s home or bombarded us endlessly with stories of Russian collusion and lawfare about the January 6 insurrectionists. What do all these stories have in common? Hatred of Trump, as a distraction.

For the left, it’s a giant vaccine against scandal. If you keep injecting Trump as Hitler into the narrative, you can cure any bad press for the left. The side effect is that you lose your hair. But suddenly, now a shocked media is spreading this story full blast. After ignoring it, Joe ran his 2020 campaign from his basement which he used to call “lid” at 11 a.m. In 2019, we saw photos of his note cards with questions and answers pre-sent by reporters.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) says he supports Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election. (Jacquelyn Martin/AP/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Now, the same media outlets are holding up as proof videos that were once dismissed as cheap right-wing fakes, but before the debates were as fake as clips of Dana Perino being nice to orphans. It’s true that our president hasn’t been running this place for the past four years, and the media remains uninterested in asking who has. It hasn’t been Kamala. She reads to children and their literacy scores go down. The reason for this, I call it award porn. The media quickly learned that to win awards you have to do nothing but expose Trump, and they were handing out Pulitzers for exposing Russiagate like they were photos of Ozempic in the green room on “The View.” But you never win awards for exposing Democrats. That would be like a vampire biting another vampire’s neck.

Meanwhile, the biggest Washington DC scandal of our lifetimes — our president is almost a vegetable — has been ignored for years. Instead, we get copious doses of climate change, police malfeasance, diversity in the military, and gender. So why is the media suddenly feeding off Joe’s corpse like Nancy Pelosi on a hijacked blood donation truck? Because once the story escaped its electrified fence and spread freely, it became a money-making machine.

The great Joe Biden's dementia Suddenly, the scandal is attracting the attention of the general public, unlike the red soy meat the media usually feeds its left-wing base. So now they're not just covering their asses, they're covering their mortgages. So while our crack reporters were desperately trying to paint themselves as noble investigators, they're also trying to make us believe that the Democrats are heroic for turning on Joe.


But you're not a hero when you're caught lying. That's why I had to give back all my BET awards. Suddenly the media, the Democrats, are all honest. Even Jerry Nadler is questioning Joe's fitness, and he looks like a parade float with a slow leak. Let's not forget the other hoaxes: the fake laptop, the Russian collusion, fine people. The media didn't see them as hoaxes because they made them. Well, we don't miss them. As the old saying goes, I'm the guy who does his job. You guys should be the other ones.

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