A group of anti-Israel students at the Law Faculty of the University of Georgetown planned to celebrate an event on the campus headed by a member of the Palestinian terrorist group convicted of their role in the murder of a 17-year-old Israeli girl.
But the event was postponed by the University. Now, a Jewish legal defense group is asking the Law School to formally cancel the event.
The flyers on the campus, captured in images taken by a Georgetown law student and shared with Fox News Digital, show that Georgetown for Justice law students in Palestine organized an event with Ribhi Karajah for February 11.
“Palestinian prisoners, one night with Ribhi Karajah, student activist and former political prisoner,” says the steering wheel, adding that Karajá will talk to students about their “arrest, arrest and torture in the Israeli military judicial system.”
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An image provided to Fox News Digital of Flyers hung around the Campus of the Georgetown Law Faculty that announced the controversial event with Ribhi Karajah. (The bill)
Karajah, an American citizen, was arrested, along with two members of the terrorist group designated by the United States, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and spent 3½ years in prison for its participation in a bombing in August 2019 that He killed a young Israeli appointed Rina Shnnerb and seriously injured her father and brother. Karajh was informed of the intimate details of the attack by the associates within the PFLP and subsequently admitted in a guilt that did nothing to stop it.
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Karajah also spent several months in an Israeli prison in 2017 while attending Birzeit University, a school known for being a seedbed for terrorist supporters. According to Jewish activist Adar Rubin, director of mobilization in the Jewish hatred of End, Karajah has promoted PFLP leadership on social networks and spoken in events sponsored by PFLP.
While the group of students cited the climate of inclination on social networks as the reason to postpone the Karajah event, he said in a statement that, two days before the event, the Law Faculty instructed the group of students to postpone the event so that the university “could carry out an exhaustive research on serious security concerns that had emerged in relation to the event.”
Now, the Lawfare project, a legal defense group that supports students who face anti -Semitism on campus, is asking the university to cancel the event. In a letter sent to the Dean and the Vicecano of the Georgetown Law Faculty on Wednesday, the Law of Laws of Law cited the Federal Law against providing material support for terrorism.

Georgetown University with an inserted image of Palestinian terrorists. (Getty images)
“According to 18 USC § 2339a, the term 'material support or resources' includes, among others, advice or assistance of experts, accommodation, training, personnel and services. The Supreme Court of the United States, in Holder v. Right Project Humanitarian ((2010), confirmed a broad interpretation of this statute, ruling that even the apparently benign support, such as providing a platform to a member of FTO, can increase terrorism and violate federal law, “said the bill in His letter to the dean of Georgetown's law.
“By allowing Karajah to speak on his campus, Gulc runs the risk of providing material support to a known terrorist operation … the fact that this event was organized by a group of recognized students does not acquit the University of Responsibility.”
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The law of law is also asking Georgetown to reveal if any administrator of the Law Faculty was aware of Karajah's affiliation with the PFLP before approved the event. Until Thursday, the group told Fox News Digital that he had not had news from the university.

Georgetown Law School in Washington, DC (Getty images)
During the recent trip of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the capital of the Nation, he met with several American university students and recent graduates who have been in charge of the increase in anti-Israel feeling on university campuses. During the discussion with these students, Julia Wax Vanderwiel, founder and president of Georgetown Law Zionists, told her about the event about the event.
“[Netanyahu] He had a very visceral reaction to my speech, “he told Jewish Insider.” It is horrified [about the upcoming event]. He said he knows exactly who [the murdered 17-year-old] is. He has met the family. He said we need to stay strong. He really listened, worried and wants something to be done. “
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Vanderweil added in the comments to the Jewish informant that the “presence of Karajá on our campus threatens the safety of all Jewish students.”