Fox News 'Antisemitism Exposed' Newsletter: Jewish Voters Say They Don't Want Democrats Anymore

Fox News' “Antisemitism Exposed” newsletter brings you stories about rising anti-Jewish prejudice in the U.S. and around the world.


– Lifelong Democrat tells Republican National Convention attendees that Jews feel betrayed by Biden and turn to Trump
– Jewish voter who abandoned Democrats after Oct. 7 slams Vice President Harris for defending anti-Israel protesters
– Iran sponsors anti-Israel protests on university campuses, intelligence chief says
– Disney's Marvel removes Israeli origin from Jewish character for next film

OUTSTANDING HISTORY: Shabbos Kestenbaum, a lifelong Democrat and one of several “everyday Americans” chosen to speak at the Republican National Convention, said American Jews could have a major impact on the November election. “I think we're going to see an outpouring of Jewish support for Donald Trump in a way that we haven't seen before,” he told Fox News Digital in a statement. exclusive interview before his speech.

VIDEO: After Vice President Kamala Harris told The Nation magazine that she sympathized with anti-Israel protesters, a former Jewish Democrat said she is switching parties. “I was the perfect Democrat, I did everything right,” Melissa Chapman told “Fox & Friends. “As soon as October 7 happened, all the groups I supported completely abandoned me.”

HAND OF TEHRAN:The top US intelligence official warns that “actors linked to the government of Iran” are providing Funding and encouraging anti-Israel protests on US soil The rebel Islamic nation is “becoming increasingly aggressive” in its effort to foment discord, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said in a statement released Tuesday.

RISE IN ANTISEMITISM: A growing number of deputy district attorneys in Los Angeles say they have Concerns about anti-Semitism in the office after months of silence on the issue by his boss, culminating in clashes between anti-Israel agitators and counter-protesters outside a synagogue in a heavily Jewish neighborhood of the city.

DIRECTOR'S EDITION:Marvel Entertainment is making headlines in the Jewish press for Changing the identity of a long-standing Israeli figure for her appearance in his upcoming film, “Captain America: Brave New World.” Ruth Bat-Seraph, a superhero character first introduced more than 40 years ago as a Mossad agent, is now simply referred to as a “high-ranking American official.”

QUOTE OF THE WEEK“If you're an American, you should be upset. Forget about being Jewish as an American. The fact that they're burning flags in the streets, and this is what she's saying, is wrong.” [Harris is] “That's what you're talking about. You should be talking about the fact that people are burning American flags in the streets. It's insulting.” – Ex-Jew Democrat turned Trump supporter Melissa Chapman.


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