Distressing storm rescue after disabled boat crashes in Long Beach

A reckless ocean excursion turned into a fight for survival Sunday afternoon for 19 people after a boat crashed into the rocky Long Beach breakwater as a powerful storm battered Southland.

“Apparently they were out boating and encountered gale-force winds,” said Brian Fisk, a firefighter and public information officer for the Long Beach Fire Department.

The 40-foot sailboat found itself in rough, stormy waters when winds snapped its mast, making it difficult, if not impossible, to control. The boat ended up hit and thrown against the Long Beach breakwater near the mouth of Alamitos Bay, and those on board scrambled over the rocks, temporarily safe but stranded and in danger.

The distress call came to the Long Beach Fire Department at 2:50 p.m. on Channel 16, which is reserved for emergencies, Fisk said. The department sent two rescue boats and first responders.

Before professional rescuers arrived, eight people had already been rescued, either by people who learned of the situation through a scanner, were alerted by those on board, or saw what was happening. Fire Department rescuers carried the remaining 11 to safety.

“The weather not only caused the accident,” Fisk said, “but it hampered our rescue effort.”

One person suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

“Those people were very lucky,” Fisk said.

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