CNN as Equals: Frequently Asked Questions

As Equals is a CNN project that aims to reveal what systemic gender inequality looks like.

There is a gender dimension to each of our major global challenges, including but not limited to: climate change, economic or health inequality, rising authoritarianism, mass migration or algorithmic bias. It takes critical and tenacious journalism to expose it all.

With stories about underreported topics in underreported parts of the world, told by underrepresented voices, As Equals aims to highlight taboo topics, use innovative presentations, and effect change.

With a dedicated team, As Equals will expand the reach of gender reporting and build on CNN's already established reputation for independent, world-class, mobile-first and thought-provoking journalism, with production in all CNN platforms, including bulletins and audio, documentaries, as well as events.

How is As Equals financed?

As Equals was originally launched in 2018 with the help of a year-long Development Innovation Reporting grant from the European Journalism Centre. The series continued after 2019 thanks to CNN's commitment.

In October 2020, CNN announced that the series would be expanded with a new three-year, $3.6 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

That money, which can only be used by CNN for As Equals, will fund salaries and associated staff costs; reporting and production of journalism in multiple formats; commissioning freelance storytellers and holding events.

For the duration of the series, CNN will continue to provide staff and logistical support to As Equals.

Will the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have any influence on CNN journalism?

No. As Equals journalism will be completely editorially independent. All production of the series will adhere to CNN's high standards and will be fair, accurate and responsible.

As with other grant-funded journalism, we will periodically report to the funder, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to show that CNN is spending the money according to its intended purpose.

How long does the financing last?

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is funding As Equals for four years, through December 31, 2024.

Why focus on gender inequality?

For the past hundreds of years, patriarchy has shaped the world. Most institutions and social norms were created by men and for men. As a result, women have long been denied equal rights (such as the right to vote) and around the world continue to face countless challenges: unequal wages; lack of equal legal rights; lack of data or investment in research on gender issues; bearing the brunt of the care burden; early or forced marriage, and more. Experiences of these challenges vary by gender or sexual identity, class, race or ethnicity, age, location, or ability.

As Equals intends to highlight and report on these issues in a way that deepens global understanding and produces tangible impact.

Will As Equals include trans people in its coverage?

As Equals is unreservedly committed to inclusivity. Our stories will not only show you what gender inequality looks like, but also how inequality is not limited to just one place or one person, and why it persists around the world.

How can I contact As Equals?

You can send suggestions or questions to the following email address: [email protected]

Please note that we are a small team and receive a lot of correspondence, so we appreciate your patience.

How can I contribute to As Equals?

As Equals does not cover current affairs of the day. Rather, we seek to set the news agenda through investigative work, or deepen understanding and knowledge of the causes of gender inequality and possible solutions through engaging human interest or data stories.

If you would like to send us tips or tell us about research ideas, study data, or the names and contacts of phenomenal people whose stories you think we should tell, you can do so by emailing [email protected].

Each year we select a couple of topics to give our journalists and audiences the opportunity to cover an issue or trend from multiple perspectives and enhance the potential for impact. Get in touch to find out what series we are currently working on.

Before telling us a story, we would like you to first ask yourself a few questions:

  1. Is it my original idea? This could mean that it could be a topic, situation or place that has not yet been widely reported, but it can also mean that you have access to new information or different sources; Your reporting will present the story in a new way or help the audience see the bigger picture.
  2. Am I the right person to tell this story? Do you have access that other people don't have? Do you understand a complex topic and can tell a story about it in a clear and engaging way? Do you study or follow a topic closely and can see what others have missed?
  3. Am I prepared to work with others? The best journalism is collaborative. You might have a great idea, but not the right contacts or data insights, for example. If we commission you, would you be happy to work with a team to tell your story, if necessary?
  4. How perennial is my idea? While we'll move more quickly through the columns, your op-ed or featured idea shouldn't be irrelevant at the end of the day's news cycle.
  5. Is my story right for CNN? At As Equals we want to see the bigger picture. Uncovering the systemic causes of gender inequality and telling those stories for a global audience. Will your story help us achieve this? Will your story be relatable outside of its local or national context?

Does As Equals accept video or photo submissions?

As Equals seeks to amplify underrepresented voices in front of the lens and behind the camera. We're looking for short character-focused documentaries and photo essays by and/or about women and non-binary people around the world, and we'd like to hear from non-fiction filmmakers, video and photography journalists who want to tell universal stories that touch audiences emotionally. and be a mirror for society.

If you have an idea you would like to pitch to us, please consider the questions above and then send your proposal to [email protected].

While preference will be given to stories in pre-production or early production, you can also include links to previously filmed material.

This FAQ was last updated on June 11, 2024.

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