April 14, 2024: Iran attack on Israel

Reaction to Iran's attacks on Israel has come from world leaders, some openly condemning Tehran, others calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and almost all urging restraint during a time of enormous tension in the Middle East. .

US President Joe Biden He said the United States “is dedicated to the defense of Israel.”

“Our commitment to Israel's security against threats from Iran and its proxies is ironclad,” Biden said in a statement.

UN Secretary General António Guterres called for an immediate cessation of hostilities in the Middle East. “I urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid any action that could lead to major military clashes on multiple fronts in the Middle East,” Guterres said in a series of tweets on X.

“I have repeatedly stressed that neither the region nor the world can afford another war.”

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the attacks “once again demonstrate the Iranian regime's disregard for peace and stability in the region. “We support Israel's right to defend itself and its people from these attacks.”

Porcelain expressed “deep concern” about the “current escalation”, a spokesman for its Foreign Ministry said on Sunday, adding that it was a “spillover from the Gaza conflict” and that a ceasefire should be implemented without delay. Beijing called on “relevant parties to exercise calm and restraint to avoid further escalations.”

IndiaThe Foreign Ministry said it is “seriously concerned” about the escalation of hostilities between Iran and Israel. “We call for an immediate reduction in tensions, the exercise of moderation, a move away from violence and a return to the path of diplomacy,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Pakistan He said the attacks were “the consequences of the collapse of diplomacy.”

“For months, Pakistan has stressed the need for international efforts to prevent the spread of hostilities in the region and to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza,” a government statement read.

Saudi Arabia, A major regional rival of Iran stressed the importance of “avoiding any further exacerbation” of the crisis, warning of “dire consequences” if the situation worsened.

Of Egipt The Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the latest developments as a “dangerous escalation.” He said the latest hostilities were “nothing more than a direct result of what Egypt has repeatedly warned, regarding the dangers of expanding the conflict in the region as a result of the Israeli war in the Gaza Strip, and the provocative military actions that are being exercised in the region.”

Qatarwhich plays a vital role in many Middle East conflicts and enjoys close economic relations with Iran, expressed its “deep concern” and called on all parties to “cease escalation, calm tensions and exercise maximum restraint.”

He United Arab Emirates, which geographically close to Iran and normalized relations with Israel in 2020, called for an end to regional escalation to avoid “dangerous repercussions” and warned of “new levels of instability.”

Russia, which has been waging a brutal war against Ukraine for more than two years, called on all sides “to exercise restraint.” “We express our utmost concern about another dangerous escalation in the region,” Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Sunday.

UkraineThe Foreign Ministry condemned Iran's attack, calling it “unacceptable” and “irresponsible.”

“It is extremely important to make all possible efforts to prevent the confrontation from turning into a large-scale regional conflict,” Ukraine's Foreign Ministry said, adding that the attack “demonstrates the importance of mobilizing all the power of the free world to defend global peace”. limits of democracy.

In a statement about X, the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak saying the United Kingdom “I would continue to defend the security of Israel and that of all its regional partners, including Jordan and Iraq.

Irelandwhose leader has openly criticized Israel's war in Gaza, called on both Iran and Israel to “show restraint” and “avoid any escalation” following a “reckless attack” by Iran.

Added to this are also the statements of leaders of European countries such as Germany, Denmark, France, Norway and Austria.

European Comission President Ursula von der Leyen called the attacks “flagrant and unjustifiable.” “All actors must now refrain from further escalation and work to restore stability in the region,” Von der Leyen said.

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