Anthony Fauci appears before House Covid-19 panel on origins of coronavirus

In his opening remarks, Republican President Brad Wenstrup criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci for what he said was a failure to listen to science.

“While policies and decisions should have been based on scientific data, some, frankly, were not,” he said.

One decision Wenstrup said was not based on science was the six-foot social distancing rule.

“The burdensome six-foot social distancing rule was not sufficiently scientifically informed. In his words, “it just showed up.” The distancing made sense, but the six feet was arbitrary,” Wenstrup said, noting that the rule led to the closure of schools and workplaces.

“Americans don't hate science. But Americans know hypocrisy when they see it,” Wenstrup said in his opening remarks.

“Under his leadership, U.S. health agencies adopted specific policy objectives as a single dogmatic truth without the benefit of debate. Out of desire for a unique narrative,” she added.

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