A push to rename Pershing Square after Biddy Mason, unsung hero of Los Angeles

It was almost a year ago that Los Angeles City Councilman Kevin de León celebrated the start of a multimillion-dollar renovation of Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles.

The ceremony marked the beginning of the park's transformation, with construction crews expected to turn the concrete space into a more accessible and attractive public plaza by demolishing walls, lowering the park to street level and adding greenery.

Now, the 5-acre park, located between Olive and Hill streets, will not only have a new look but also, quite possibly, a new identity.

On Wednesday, De León announced her intention to rename Pershing Square in honor of Biddy Mason, who was born into slavery, won her freedom in the courts and became a philanthropist and unsung hero of Los Angeles, founding the First The city's African Methodist Episcopal Church, one of the largest black churches in the US.

De León unveiled his plans on June 16, the federal holiday marking the date in 1865 when Union soldiers informed the last slaves in Galveston, Texas, that they were free. It also comes as De León faces a tough re-election campaign and seeks to overcome a nearly two-year scandal over his participation in a secretly recorded conversation that included racist and derogatory comments.

De León has since apologized to the black community and the city as a whole. Standing in Pershing Square, he dismissed the idea that the proposal is linked to the scandal or her re-election, saying he has held talks with Biddy Mason's descendants about ways to honor her since February 2022.

“This is a recognition of an incredible woman who owned a huge property in downtown Los Angeles, a woman who fought bravely to secure her freedom in a Los Angeles court,” he said in an interview. Renaming Pershing Square will be “a true reflection of who she is and the impact she has had on downtown Los Angeles.”

Today, the park is named after military hero General John J. Pershing, who commanded the U.S. military during World War I and was awarded the rank of General of the Armies, the highest military rank. from USA

Biddy Mason

(Seaver Center for Research in Western History)

De León said he is confident his colleagues will vote in favor of changing the park's name. He also plans to make a separate motion to add a ceremonial street sign on Spring Street, between 1st and 5th streets, in her honor.

The proposal to rename Pershing Square was welcomed by Cheryl Cox, one of Mason's great-great-granddaughters. Mason accomplished “remarkable feats” that, during the 19th century, “were unprecedented for people of color, much less for a woman born into slavery in 1818,” Cox said.

After gaining her freedom, Mason accumulated large estates in Los Angeles, helping those in need in both her roles as a businesswoman and philanthropist.

“She is an American story, an American heroine, and she deserves every honor that can be bestowed upon her,” Cox said, before a small audience in Pershing Square.

Cox said renaming the park would improve the city's understanding of Mason at a time when few parks are named after women or people of color.

“Having something like a park that is historic, that existed when she was alive and that has been a central part of the city, is a big step in the right direction for her to receive recognition for what she has done,” said the Cox's sister. , Robynn Cox, professor at UC Riverside.

Nick Griffin, executive vice president of the DTLA Alliance, a coalition of more than 2,000 property owners, said his group is also delighted with the park's proposed name change.

“I believe that taking advantage of the powerful legacy [of] “Biddy Mason fits almost perfectly with the revitalization of a park that has also been somewhat forgotten over the years,” he said. “I think both the park and its legacy will benefit from rediscovery.”

Pastor Stephen “Cue” Jn-Marie, who lives on Skid Row, expressed concern about the announcement, calling it “another example of people using black people for political gain.” Jn-Marie, who called for De León to resign two years ago, said he would support changing the park's name as long as De León is not involved.

“It seems like Kevin de León is trying to save his career right now,” he said.

Mason was born as a slave in the Deep South in the summer of 1818. At a young age, she was sold and purchased by enslavers, allowing her to develop skills in herbal medicine and midwifery.

At age 18, she and her sister were sold to Mississippi plantation owner Robert Smith. In 1847, Smith converted to Mormonism and moved her family to Utah to help establish a Mormon community. Mason walked behind a 300-wagon caravan for months, cooking and herding cattle while caring for the Smiths' children and three of his own, including a baby.

In 1851, the Smiths moved from Utah to San Bernardino. By then, California had been admitted to the Union and slavery was illegal. Ultimately, Mason fought for his freedom in court, and the judge ruled in favor of him and Smith's other slaves.

His case was one of the first legal challenges to slavery in Los Angeles and set a precedent for others to petition for their freedom in California.

Mason then began working as a nurse and midwife, saving $2.50 a day until she had enough to buy land between Broadway and Spring Street, where she built her home.

He continued to buy real estate throughout the city. By 1878, Mason had become a wealthy landowner and eventually sold some of her property for up to 10 times its original price.

His philanthropy grew along with his wealth. She was known for paying annual property taxes for local churches. She started First AME from her home. She also built the first school and foster home for black children. In 1884, when a storm caused the Los Angeles River to rise and wash away homes, Mason paid a grocery store to give away food to flood victims, regardless of color. She helped so many people that they affectionately called her “Auntie” or “Grandma Mason.”

Mason died in 1891 and was soon forgotten. Then, in 1988, First AME placed a headstone on his unnamed grave at Evergreen Cemetery. The following year, a walkway between Spring and 3rd streets in the city center was erected in his honor.

De León said he considered that area dark and secluded, and an insufficient way to honor Mason's achievements.

Cheryl and Robynn Cox said they had long tried to rename a street after their ancestor, with no luck. Two years ago they approached De León and his team with his request. They don't remember when the conversations moved to Pershing Square.

Cheryl Cox and her sister said they could not discuss De León's motives.

“We want to focus solely on our grandmother,” Robynn Cox said.

“We do not tolerate what was said and what was not said” in the audio leak in which De León appears, Cheryl Cox said. “But in no way should you disparage our grandmother, or her legacy, or what the city should do for her.”

De León, for his part, said the park's renaming is just his latest effort to recognize Angelenos, especially people of color, who have made contributions to the city.

“There will always be cynical eyes,” he said. “You can't change the cynic.”

Pershing Square shown in 2020.

Pershing Square shown in 2020.

(Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times)

On a recent afternoon, there were few visitors in Pershing Square. Amid the noise of traffic, the whistling of buses, and blaring stereos, the playground was empty and the men lay on the strips of grass, taking a nap in the sun. Along the plaza's paths, homeless people occupied the few available shaded areas; some used drugs openly.

“It's not very people-friendly. There is no shade,” said Gayle Baigelman, 63, as she walked her gray pitbull, Hope. “And you can see who tends to be attracted to this place.”

He said he had heard about the park's renovation and was looking forward to the transformation. He also approved the proposed name change.

“That's definitely the right person to honor.”

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