A letter to Patrick Soon-Shiong MD readers, executive president of the Times

Dear reader,

I am proud to announce the next evolution of the Times to better interact with our audience. Today, we are launching new features to improve and improve our digital product, integrating live videos, podcasts and functions generated by AI in a perfect experience.

Times Studios now produces video transmission content daily with news, characteristics and other programming of interest to our community. Available directly on the Los Angeles Times home page, this content includes continuous live camera foods from iconic locations in Los Angeles, from Hollywood to Malibu.

Today, we are starting a new effort to ensure that readers can easily distinguish the content based on the opinion of our news reports. Any content written from a point of view can be labeled as voices, which helps strengthen the separation between what has no news and what does not. Voices is not strictly limited to the content of the opinion section. It also includes news comments, criticism, reviews and more. If a piece takes a posture or is written from a personal perspective, it can be labeled as voices.

We are also launching Insights, a characteristic driven by AI that will appear in some voices contents. The purpose of ideas is to offer readers a form accessible instantly to see a wide range of different perspectives enabled for AI along with the positions presented in the article. I think that providing more varied views supports our journalistic mission and will help readers to navigate the problems facing this nation.

We add these new characteristics to promote the commitment of the audience and interaction with the times and our content. I think the media are evolving, and the Times is well positioned to lead the way.

We will remain faithful to our mission statement, which says:

“We strive to take into account different perspectives, particularly if they do not align with ours, to inform our views. Our hope is to present arguments and analysis that can help our readers navigate complex questions or, at least, give them a well considered way of thinking about the problems of the day. “

We invite your thoughts, and I hope you find these useful and enlightening innovations.

Patrick Soon-Shiong, MD
Executive President
Times the

About Times Insights

Times Insights offers an analysis generated by AI in articles of voices that offer a point of view on a subject. This may include opinion columns, editorials, comments and more.

Insights analyzes the content of the voices to identify where expressed opinions can fall into the political spectrum. It also offers a annotated summary of the ideas expressed in the piece together with different points of view on the theme of a variety of sources.

The information analysis is not created by the editorial staff of Los Angeles Times and does not judge the quality of any journalism or the point of view. Insights is intended only to give readers additional perspectives on voices articles that offer a point of view. AI is an experimental and evolving technology. If you see an error, inform it on the insights page.

About the voices of the times

Voices Times offers a clear way to identify the content that is distinguished from our newspaper news report. Any content that is written from a point of view can be labeled as voices, Helping to strengthen the distinction between the news and what not.

Voices is not strictly limited to the content of the opinion section. It also includes news comments, criticism, reviews and more. If an article adopts a position or is written from a personal perspective, it can be labeled as voices.

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