What is the Mediterranean diet and what are its health benefits?

The Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of diabetes.

A recent JAMA Network analysis states that eating a regular Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of death from any type of disease by 23 percent.

A good diet and lifestyle can improve overall health and well-being. The chances of people dying young can be reduced by following a Mediterranean diet, according to a new study. While the Mediterranean diet has long been associated with health benefits, a recent study suggests it also helps with longevity.

A recent JAMA Network analysis states that eating a regular Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of death from any type of disease by 23 percent. According to Dr. Samia Mora of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, “Our study suggests that women who follow a Mediterranean diet may live longer.” According to Dr. Samia Mora, this diet can reduce mortality by around 25% over 25 years, with cancer and heart disease being the two leading causes of death in the United States and around the world.

The reason it is called the Mediterranean diet is that, historically, people from the nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea: France, Spain, Greece and Italy followed this diet. Between 1993 and 1996, researchers collected and examined the medical records of 25,000 people for this study.

More than 25,000 healthy women were followed for more than 25 years in the Women's Health Study as part of a recent study. The study revealed that women who strictly followed the Mediterranean diet experienced a nearly twenty-five percent reduction in mortality during the study period. In particular, compared to those who did not follow the regimen, these women had a 17 percent lower chance of dying from heart disease and a 20 percent lower risk of dying from cancer. The benefits of the diet, according to the researchers, could be due to increased insulin resistance, decreased inflammation and favorable changes in metabolism.

Health benefits of the Mediterranean diet

Below are some of the health benefits one can have by following a Mediterranean diet.

Reduce the risk of cancer

Prevents diabetes

It helps control weight

Reduces inflammation

Improves heart health

Increases useful life

What does a Mediterranean diet consist of?

The Mediterranean diet is mainly made up of fresh fruits and vegetables. Additionally, people eat whole grains, legumes (lentils, beans, peanuts, etc.), nuts and seeds, as well as heart-healthy foods like avocado, walnuts, and salmon. On the other hand, despite living in a cold climate, the Mediterranean diet limits the use of processed foods, added sugars and refined grains. Also limit alcohol intake. This diet also controls weight and reduces the risk of heart-related disorders.

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