When it comes to “walkability,” Los Angeles has a bad reputation. To the weekend visitor, our city can seem like a maze of winding highways and roads built for cars, walled off from pedestrians. But those who really know Los Angeles can tell you that it is a joy to walk through, filled with blooming bougainvilleas, rich history, street vendors and shops. You just have to know where to look.
Lucky for you, we've put together a guide for exactly that. Discover essential walking trails that will show you the best of Los Angeles. Meet local groups and leaders that merge community and exercise. Learn about the vast expanse of culture contained in one 27.4-mile boulevard. And connect with personal stories about the power of a good walk.
We'll be posting new stories about walking in Los Angeles throughout the week. Come on, it's time to get moving.
— Alyssa Bereznak, Wellness Editor