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Janel Parrish has opened up about her endometriosis diagnosis, which led her to undergo surgery to remove cysts and scar tissue.
Endometriosis occurs when cells similar to those that line the uterus grow outside the uterus. These lesions bleed (as they do inside the uterus during menstruation), but because the blood cannot escape, it can lead to inflammation and the formation of scar tissue (adhesions) as well as cysts.
He pretty Little Liars The 35-year-old actress took to social media to share details of her operation to help raise awareness and give strength to other women suffering from the commonly undiagnosed condition.
On Tuesday, July 9, Parrish wrote to her 10.7 million followers on her Instagram Story: “I usually keep my personal life private but wanted to share this in case it can help other women suffering to know they are not alone.”
Alongside a selfie of herself in a hospital gown giving the camera a thumbs-up, the actress continued: “After months of excruciating pain and not knowing why, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and underwent surgery to remove cysts and scar tissue as a result of the condition.”
On average, it takes seven and a half years from first seeing a doctor about symptoms for a person to receive a correct diagnosis of endometriosis. There are many factors that play into this, including the fact that the condition is associated with painful and heavy periods – something people are often taught is just “normal”, according to Endometriosis UK.
Parrish continued: “To my sisters with endometriosis, I say that there is very little information about this and there is no cure. Because of this, it is easy to feel helpless, scared and alone. Seeing other women post about their experiences made me feel stronger.”

She signed off: “I hope this helps keep the conversation about endometriosis open and flowing, so we can raise awareness and support each other. WE ARE strong and we can do it. I support you.”
In severe cases of endometriosis, cells outside the lining of the uterus can spread and affect other organs and tissues throughout the body.
Infertility is also associated with this condition, and many people with endometriosis also have adenomyosis, where endometrial tissue grows inside the wall of the uterus.

Other stars have spoken out about their experiences with the condition. In March, former Miss Universe Olivia Culpo revealed that 12 doctors had dismissed her symptoms before she was diagnosed.
“The debilitating pain came on and continued to progress as I got older, and that’s when it really started to affect my everyday life, where I couldn’t really function,” she said.
“It was the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life.”