The bride 'marks' all her bridesmaids by making them wear necklaces with her name

A Reddit user admitted she was appalled by the “mark” a bride imposed on her bridesmaids.

On the platform's anonymous confession forum, Am I The A**hole, one stunned user detailed the story he had heard about a girlfriend's absurd behavior. To begin her post, the Redditor admitted that she wasn't easily surprised, but this story surprised her.

“Today I was chatting with my coworker who had been at a wedding over the weekend,” the writer explained. “I asked him how it went and he told me that he had a great time and started showing me some photos.”

From the looks of the photos, the Reddit user thought the whole day looked like a wonderful celebration of love. However, while his co-worker was reviewing his camera roll, a photo caught his attention. According to Redditor, a selfie of her coworker showed her wearing a necklace with the name “Emily.”

“The thing is, my coworker's name is Meredith,” the original poster noted. “Guys… This damn bride made all of her bridesmaids receive necklaces WITH THEIR NAME from her!!!”

The amazed Reddit user asked if it was normal for a bride to change the name of her wedding party to honor her.

They asked, “I'm sorry, but isn't that crazy hilarious!?”

“All of her bridesmaids had to pay for and wear 'Emily' necklaces at the wedding. If I were able to shut up, I would be speechless,” the Reddit writer admitted, adding the caption “Bride basically tags all of her bridesmaids” to the post.

Finally, the writer confessed that “Emily” was the bride's real name. “If you're reading this, Meredith spoke highly of you and your event because she is the sweetest person ever,” she candidly added. “I'm the one who thinks you're nuts and I hereby shame you.”

The bride forced her bridesmaids to buy and wear necklaces with her name

The bride forced her bridesmaids to buy and wear necklaces with her name (fake images)

Perplexed readers stormed the comments section, arguing that the bride's behavior was completely “unhinged.” Others offered fun suggestions for how each bridesmaid could return the necklace to the bride.

“I wouldn't wait a couple of years. I would join the other bridesmaids and make sure she welcomed them like her birthday, Christmas, and any other event for the foreseeable future,” said one Reddit reader. “Either that or buy him things monogrammed with my name.”

Another commented: “What a rare and beautiful combination of very low risks and also completely unhinged. I really want to know what the thought process was behind that decision.”

“Maybe she thought she'd get a bunch of free necklaces in the end since no one will wear them after that day,” a third guessed.

One tough Reddit user wrote: “BRIDES had to pay for them. Which is both crazy and unbearable.”

However, one reader disagreed that the situation was as serious as the Reddit poster made it seem. “Here I was getting ready for a real brand lmao… or like a tattoo or something. “I was actually relieved that it was just a necklace,” they wrote.

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