Stephen Colbert prays that Trump can deliver

Welcome to Best of Late Night, a recap of last night's highlights that puts you to sleep and lets us get paid to watch comedy. Here are the 50 Best Movies on Netflix Right Now.

Former President Donald Trump's civil fraud trial is expected to end Thursday. Trump had intended to deliver part of the closing argument himself, but backed out after refusing to comply with the judge's restrictions, including not giving “a campaign speech.”

On Wednesday, Stephen Colbert noted that Trump had been saying “a lot of crazy things about this trial” and hoped he would “say crazy things during the trial too” to the late-night host's amusement.

“That is a terrible idea, and please, Jesus, let it happen.” -STEPHEN COLBERT

“Unfortunately, this afternoon, the judge rescinded permission for Trump to give his own closing argument. Boo! He knew that Justice was blind; He didn't know she was a fool.” -STEPHEN COLBERT

“Don't worry, as a comedian, I immediately filed an appeal: 'Your Honor, please, that would get us until February. Well then. Think about our jobs.'” -JIMMY FALLON

“Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis were the only candidates, besides Trump, who were not there, qualified to be in the debate. “Trump calls them ‘Bird Brain’ and ‘Meatball,’ which sounds like a morning radio team from 1995.” -JIMMY KIMMEL

“Why do they even let them debate? “This is like what happens between innings at a baseball game when they let the kids dressed as hot dogs compete against each other.” -JIMMY KIMMEL

“What a night between Haley and DeSantis. “It was like Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen, without the joy, the alcohol and the spectators.” -JIMMY FALLON

“Yeah, it's just Haley and DeSantis; it's like when you go to a concert and the only original members of the band are the bassist and the tambourine guy.” -JIMMY FALLON

Tina Fey played Jimmy Fallon in “Friendzee,” a new guessing game about her famous friends.

“All of Us Strangers” star Andrew Scott will sit down with Seth Meyers on Thursday’s “Late Night.”

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