Shakira fan who won his Lamborghini says he can't afford to drive

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Shakira's Lamborghini winner has revealed that he cannot afford to keep him.

Michael Mejía, who won the singer's luxury cars raffle in December, confessed that he has decided to sell the vehicle since he cannot pay maintenance. He explained that although Shakira gave him $ 90,000 to keep the car, he was ultimately not enough in the long term.

“Until now, all taxes have been paid to transfer the car, legal matters and insurance for six months,” he said during an interview on Monday with The fat and the skinnywhich has been translated from Spanish to English. “And now federal taxes must be submitted at the end of the year, and yes, that little account already costs more or less as $ 95,000.”

Mejía added that while I was excited to win the luxury car, I did not expect insurance to cost $ 2,000 per month.

“It is always quite expensive to maintain,” he said, then noting that after four days, he had to fill the gas tank twice, which cost $ 70 each time.

“Someone offered me, or not, between $ 700,000 and $ 800,000,” he added, explaining that his friends encourage him to sell the car for up to $ 2 million.

Shakira Fan says that they have already offered $ 800,000 for the luxury car (AFP through Getty Images)

“I think everyone's dream is to have a million. If it's a million and a dollar, I'll be happy, ”he said.

In November, Shakira announced that he was giving Purple Lamborghini to a fortunate fan, to celebrate his last single, “Soletra”.

“What is promised is a debt! I confirm! I will give my car to someone who really wants to have him and enjoy new unforgettable moments with the people I love most! “She wrote in the subtitle of her publication, translated from Spanish to English.

Shakira bought the supercar in 2022, after he announced his breakdown from Gerard Piqué, with whom he shares two children, Milan, 11, and Sasha, nine.

“This car was a gift for myself when I started my single life, but I realized that what really matters is the human connection,” he explained in a press release. “The car, the clothes, the material things: they do not transform us. They are the people we love and the connections that we really build make the difference. “

To participate in the contest, fans had to share a creative video with “Soletra” on social networks, with the hashtag #elcarrodeshakira.

Mejía's video, which won the contest, presented it by drawing Shakira illustrations as “Soletra” played in the background. Then, the video showed the singer's drawing talking, to the artist's surprise.

Earl this month, Shakira took home the Grammy Award for Best Latin Pop album for Women no longer cry. During his acceptance speech, he took the opportunity to dedicate his prize to his “immigrant brothers and sisters” in the country.

“You're loved, it's worth it and I will always fight with you,” he said. “For all those women who work very hard every day to keep your families, you are true. So this is also for you. “

He also said he wanted to share his prize with his children, who were sitting at the audience. “I am very proud of you, of your friendly hearts,” he added. “Thank you very much for supporting me as you do. I love you.”

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