Mumbai celebrates the impeccable potential of AI to transform healthcare in the near future

The evening explored the concepts presented in Dr. Jag Singh's book 'Future Care' and honored his exceptional achievements in medicine.

In honor of Prof. Dr. Jag Singh's groundbreaking contributions to the field of artificial intelligence, an evening of appreciation and conversation was held in Mumbai on February 23, 2024.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly integrated into our lives as a whole and humanity is increasingly appreciating these advances. Healthcare is an area where AI has the potential to bring about substantial change. In honor of the visionary achievements made by Prof. Dr. Jag Singh in this field, Mumbai organized an evening of congratulations and conversation on February 23, 2024.

The pioneer of AI in medicine was Dr. Jag Singh, a respected professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and former clinical chief of the division of cardiology at Massachusetts General Hospital. His groundbreaking work in the Advanced Cardiac Therapeutics and Resynchronization Program has not only revolutionized patient care but also opened the door to new advances.

The aim of the event was to explore Dr Jag Singh's vision of 'Future Care' and honor his outstanding contributions to medicine. During this interactive discussion, attendees had the opportunity to hear directly from the author and gain insight into how artificial intelligence could shape healthcare in the future.

This effort, which was organized by the URMITEJ FOUNDATION, aimed to recognize Dr. Jag Singh as a true visionary whose work crossed boundaries and served humanity in real ways. A welcome statement by Dr. Singh, an interactive session, closing remarks and distribution of autographed volumes as souvenirs to a few chosen guests complete the evening's programme.

In the evening, Dr Jag said “the talk was really about raising awareness about how sensors and artificial intelligence are going to change the world. I believe that for hospital systems and practices to change, the change has to come from outside. It's not always the other way around. And I hope that the awareness we raise today through the talk will help facilitate that. It will take time for India. The reason I'm here is because one of the things closest to my heart is health equity. And to achieve health equity, we must ensure that digital equity exists. And this education process is really aimed at raising awareness in mainstream India so that people can start thinking about it, talking about it, understanding its relevance in daily practice and really leading the change. Because I believe that India has the capacity to lead the change.”

With AI poised to revolutionize healthcare, Prof. Dr. Jag Singh's insights provide important direction to navigate this rapidly changing landscape. This evening promised to inspire and educate all who want to learn about how technology and medicine interact to shape our shared future, as well as pay tribute to an incredible person. And as Dr. Jag Singh quoted: “Maybe not in the next two or three years, but certainly within the next five years, he will have virtual assistants who will help him manage his disease states. And these will initially be disease-specific virtual assistants. They will then expand into your daily life in other aspects of care. So it’s definitely around the corner.”

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