International Yoga Day 2024: The 5 best asanas for children to improve concentration

Practicing yoga from an early age is like strengthening the foundations of building life. (Image: Shutterstock)

Teach these yoga asanas to your children for better performance as students in their studies. Yoga will help improve concentration, relax muscles and relieve tension.

International Yoga Day celebrates the gift that yoga as a practice has given to humanity. Practicing yoga not only helps improve physical health but also calms the mind, reducing stress to ensure overall well-being. Practicing yoga from an early age is like strengthening the foundations of building life. This International Yoga Day, June 21, here are yoga asanas that children can instill in their daily lives to increase concentration and overall well-being:

READ ALSO: International Yoga Day 2024: Best wishes, images, inspirational quotes and messages to celebrate Yoga Day on June 21.

tree pose

(Image: Shutterstock)

To perform Tree Pose, also called Vriksasana, you should straighten your right leg and stand tall on your foot while bending your left knee to the side.

Next, raise your arms and lift your spine while trying to balance your body, then switch sides. Asymmetrical standing posture builds poise and balance as the person learns to stand on one leg.

This posture helps with concentration and also with the extension of the body, to strengthen the muscles.

Eagle Pose

(Image: Shutterstock)

Also called Garudasana, for this pose, stand tall and transfer your weight to the left foot, which will be your balance leg. Lift your right leg and cross it over your left, bend your knees, and tie your right foot around your left calf, knees pointing forward and hips square.

Extend your arms forward, then take your right arm and tie them around your left arm. Raise your arms to shoulder height and point your fingers toward the ceiling.

Relax your shoulders and focus on a stationary object while breathing deeply. This posture helps with concentration and focus. It also helps with balance and control.


(Image: Shutterstock)

To perform Padmasana or Lotus Pose, sit cross-legged on the mat and extend your spine upright. Bend your right knee and then cradle your lower right leg to bring your foot toward your left thigh with the sole facing up.

Make sure your left heel is close to your abdomen. Now, adjust your feet and legs so that both knees rest comfortably on the floor. Your spine should remain straight with your pelvis tilted slightly forward.

Repeat the exercise with the left leg, the hands can rest on the knees to form a mudra. This posture is very effective in relaxing the mind and increasing attention and concentration.


(Image: Shutterstock)

To perform Tadasana or Mountain Pose, stand tall with your feet together or hip-width apart, arms at your sides, and palms facing forward. Engage your thigh muscles, lift your kneecaps, and gently tuck your tailbone.

Stretch your spine upward, with your shoulders relaxed and your chest open. Relax your arms on both sides, palms facing forward, extend your hands and activate your fingers to engage, relax your belly, focus on your breathing, and hold the posture for one minute.

This posture helps maintain good posture, balance and increase attention and concentration.

frog pose

(Image: Shutterstock)

To perform Frog Pose or Mandukasana, begin kneeling. Now bring your feet wider than your hips with your toes facing out. Drop your hips down and back, keep your spine straight and feet flat, place your hands in a prayer position in front of your heart, and keep your chest open while breathing deeply. This posture is beneficial for children to relax their muscles and improve concentration.

Teach these yoga asanas to your children for better performance as students in their studies. Yoga will help improve concentration, relax muscles and relieve tension.

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