International Cabin Crew Day 2024: 2 cabin crew share their journey

In the bustling world of aviation, cabin crews play an indispensable role, ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers while embodying the spirit of hospitality. On this International Cabin Crew Day, we delve into the lives of Neeharika Chaturvedi and Roerich Mukherjee, Vistara flight supervisors, who share their candid stories and the driving forces behind their high-flying careers. Their narratives are filled with passion, dedication and a deep sense of responsibility, and offer us a glimpse into the dynamic and often misunderstood world of flight attendants.

Neeharika and Roerich speak candidly about their travels, from the initial allure of the trip to the day-to-day realities of their roles. They debunk common myths and reveal the challenges they face, from managing medical emergencies to maintaining a delicate balance between their professional and personal lives. Through their eyes, we gain a deeper appreciation for the resilience and commitment required to take to the skies, making each flight a seamless and memorable experience for passengers. Join us as we explore their inspiring stories and celebrate the unsung heroes of the skies.

What inspired you to pursue your career as a cabin crew? Did you have any misconceptions about the role that were later debunked?

Neeharika: I found my calling to join cabin crew while working as a travel consultant. Watching my friends explore captivating destinations through their work sparked my desire to embark on my own adventure. Going from planning trips for others to experiencing them firsthand felt like a natural progression, filled with excitement.

Initially drawn by the lure of traveling and meeting new people, I quickly accepted the responsibility that comes with the crucial role of a cabin crew. Contrary to my initial assumptions of simply serving food and drinks, I discovered the importance of ensuring customers' safety and comfort throughout the flight. This understanding added depth and meaning to my journey, making each flight a rewarding experience filled with opportunities to make a difference.

Roerich: The first thing that attracted me to becoming a cabin crew member was the opportunity to travel and explore new places and satisfy my wanderlust. I also hoped to meet people from all walks of life and learn from those experiences while doing my job. Although I was able to visit several destinations, free time was limited and professional responsibilities often took precedence over personal enjoyment.

Can you describe a typical day for you? What are the key responsibilities and tasks carried out by cabin crew?

Neeharika: For me, as a cabin crew member, a typical day is dynamic and multi-faceted, and largely depends on the flight schedule and route. Each day begins with detailed pre-flight preparations, where we meet for a comprehensive briefing to go over flight details and operating procedures. This is followed by welcoming everyone on board, organizing the cabin and ensuring a comfortable environment for our customers. While assisting customers with their carry-on items during shipping, I strive to make the process smooth and efficient.

Once we are in the air, my responsibilities expand to offer exemplary services on board, while closely monitoring the comfort and safety of customers. I remain vigilant to ensure the well-being of everyone on board. Upon landing, I facilitate the disembarkation process and perform a thorough final inspection of the cabin.

In addition to these duties, I collaborate closely with the flight deck crew and diligently comply with all safety protocols. It is a rewarding and challenging profession, requiring a high level of dedication and adaptability.

Roerich: My day starts early with three alarms to make sure I'm awake. I meticulously prepare my flight bag, organize my documents, iron my uniform and shine my shoes. After a hearty breakfast, I review relevant SOPs, circulars and notifications during my journey.

Arriving at the crew briefing center, my team and I quickly check in, take a breathalyzer test, and attend a briefing. We then guarantee timely departure to the plane. Our pre-flight routine includes extensive checks and coordination with ground support departments, such as catering, ground services and engineering, to ensure on-time performance and a safe and smooth flight experience for our passengers and ourselves.

After landing, we debrief to discuss the day's events and complete any necessary trip and special reports. Throughout all of these tasks, maintaining decorum and positive conduct is paramount.

What are some of the biggest challenges you face or have faced?

Neeharika: As I improve my skills, one of the major obstacles I encounter is effectively managing non-routine situations, encompassing medical emergencies, disruptive behavior, and unexpected delays/turbulence.

Roerich: Challenges include variation in meal options compared to anticipated expectations, detours caused by weather or medical emergencies on board, delays on the ground with customers on board, and handling unruly or intoxicated customers.

How is the safety and comfort of passengers during flights guaranteed?

Neeharika: We undergo rigorous three-month training sessions, supplemented by frequent refresher courses, to familiarize ourselves with the established guidelines and procedures. Ensuring the safety of everyone on board involves constant vigilance and situational awareness. This includes conducting thorough pre-flight checks, mastering emergency protocols, maintaining pristine cabin conditions, encouraging clear communication, and remaining attentive throughout the flight.

Roerich: As cabin crew, our main objective is the safety, comfort and general well-being of the customer. We follow strict procedures based on our robust trainings and protocols. We also pay close attention to each situation and show empathy in our interactions. Our goal is to meet our customers' needs to the best of our ability, doing everything we can to make your experience unforgettable.

Can you share some examples of difficult situations you have encountered and how you handled them? Or can you share some memorable experiences or stories?

Neeharika: In my aviation career, I have encountered several challenging situations, including medical emergencies, aborted takeoffs, disruptive behavior, and delays. In such cases, it is essential to maintain composure, conduct a thorough analysis before taking action, and be aware of the situation. Providing fast and accurate information to address customer queries is essential. Amid these challenges, there are memorable moments derived from simple acts of kindness. Whether it's offering an extra dessert or giving patient attention to a customer, making someone smile makes my day.

Roerich: On one of the flights we were faced with the distressing situation of a child dying on board, despite our best efforts and the assistance of a doctor. The crew members were understandably devastated. However, we had to pull ourselves together to operate the return flight. Asking the team to hide their emotions and maintain a cheerful attitude toward incoming customers was incredibly difficult, given the heaviness in our hearts. However, we greeted our clients with genuine smiles, served them attentively, and said goodbye with professionalism, despite the emotional toll we suffered.

What are some myths about being a cabin crew member that you would like to debunk?

Neeharika: There are common myths about the cabin crew profession. One is the belief that it is a glamorous job with constant travel to exotic places. While traveling is part of the job, it also involves intensive work hours, dynamic schedules, and time away from loved ones. Another myth is that the cabin crew only serves meals on board. In reality, they have important responsibilities, including ensuring customer safety, maintaining security, managing onboard medical emergencies, and providing exceptional customer service.

Roerich: Contrary to popular belief, the cabin crew lifestyle is not always about glamorous and luxurious travel. While it may seem exciting at first, the reality often involves hard work, exploring destinations with limited time, and missing the comforts of home. Additionally, the job involves frequent exams, weight monitoring requirements, and working odd hours, resulting in jet lag and time away from family during special occasions such as birthdays or festivals. However, despite these challenges, the job offers valuable experiences and opportunities for personal growth.

What advice would you give to someone aspiring to become a cabin crew member? What qualities and skills are essential for success in this role?

Neeharika: For those aspiring for a career as cabin crew, I recommend preparing yourself for a dynamic work environment and continually honing your skills. A positive attitude, exceptional communication, and a customer-focused mindset are crucial attributes that develop with experience. Although the work can be demanding, it offers many rewarding experiences. It is important to stay focused, motivated and adaptable to different scenarios during the flight. Key qualities include communication, problem solving, teamwork, adaptability, cultural awareness and mastery of safety procedures. Patience, composure and agility are indispensable traits for cabin crew members.

Roerich: For aspiring cabin crew, I suggest gathering extensive information about the demands and rewards of the job to make an informed decision. It is a career tailor-made for those passionate about travel, cultural exchange and interaction with people from all geographical locations. Skills such as composure, effective communication, empathy, determination, patience and time management are invaluable in this role, where quick and accurate decision-making is essential.

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