From fatigue to muscle cramps, Shriram Nene shares 6 signs of dehydration

Dehydration affects everything from energy levels to cognitive function.

Recognizing the early signs of dehydration is important to maintaining optimal hydration levels.

Dehydration, or a lack of fluids in the body, is often overlooked and can lead to a range of problems, from low energy levels to poor cognitive function. Recognizing the early signs of dehydration is important to maintaining optimal hydration levels. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), dehydration is a condition that results from an excessive loss of body water and in which the body does not have the amount of water it needs.

Dehydration is classified as mild, moderate and severe, where mild is a weight loss of up to 5 percent, moderate is a weight loss of 5 to 10 percent and more than 10 percent weight loss is severe dehydration.

To shed some light on the issue, Dr. Shriram Nene shared a video on his official Instagram account in which he claims that the body detects subtle signs of dehydration. While thirst is the most obvious sign, Dr. Nene asked to be aware of six signals that the body sends when it needs fluids.

  1. Dry mouth and skin:One of the most obvious signs of dehydration is dry mouth and skin. The mouth and lips can feel dry and sticky when the body lacks sufficient water, as saliva production is reduced. This is often accompanied by chapped lips, making you more aware of dehydration.
  2. Dark urine:A less obvious but equally important sign of dehydration is the color of your urine. Dr. Nene notes that if your urine color becomes darker than usual, your body is signaling that your hydration levels are inadequate.
  3. Frequent headaches:Headaches are another common symptom that indicates you're not drinking enough water. Dr. Nene explains that dehydration can lead to headaches, as a lack of fluids causes a reduction in blood volume, leading to reduced oxygen flow to the brain. While occasional headaches are normal, frequent or persistent headaches indicate that you're chronically dehydrated.
  4. Feeling tired:Dehydration can also lead to tiredness and fatigue. Dr. Nene explains that a lack of water causes a drop in blood pressure and a lack of adequate oxygen supply to the cells, which makes you feel tired or lethargic. Therefore, it is essential to consume enough water regularly to keep energy levels up and reduce feelings of lethargy.
  5. Muscle cramps:Dr. Nene emphasizes that dehydration can lead to muscle cramps when the body loses essential fluids and electrolytes through sweat. Water plays a crucial role in regulating muscle function and maintaining mineral balance in the body, which are vital to preventing muscle cramps. Dizziness: You may feel dizzy due to dehydration. When the body lacks water, blood flow to the brain is reduced and blood volume decreases, leading to lower blood pressure. Dr. Nene emphasizes that feeling dizzy or even fainting should not be ignored, especially when standing up too quickly. Focus on drinking water slowly when you feel dizzy to help restore fluid balance and reduce symptoms.

Therefore, it is important to follow proper hydration habits and practices for personal health and well-being. Prioritize frequent water consumption; consume foods such as fruits and vegetables with a high water content, such as cucumbers, watermelons, and oranges, to aid hydration. You can also opt for drinks containing electrolytes or water supplemented with minerals to improve hydration.

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