Dehydration to Kidney Stones, 5 Health Problems People Face During Summers

Around 110 people have died from heatstroke in India.

According to studies, during the summer season a person should consume at least 2 and a half liters of water daily.

According to official government data, around 110 people have lost their lives due to heat stroke in India. As the mercury level reaches new levels every day, it is important to take care of your health and your body. Extremely hot weather can lead to several serious health conditions and even death.

Dr Sonia Rawat, Director of Preventive Health Department at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, in a recent conversation with News18 mentioned some health problems that people may suffer during the summer weather. These were:

  1. Dehydration
  2. Heatstroke
  3. Low blood pressure
  4. kidney stones
  5. skin problems


This is a condition where the body lacks water. Due to extreme heat, our body loses water quickly due to continuous sweating. Signs of dehydration include fatigue, dry mouth, decreased urination, and dizziness. It is important to stay hydrated by drinking water and other fluids regularly during hot weather. According to studies, during the summer season a person should consume at least 2 and a half liters of water daily.


It is a life-threatening condition in which the body's cooling system fails due to extreme heat waves outside. In this condition, the body temperature increases and can also lead to death of people. Some symptoms of heat stroke include elevated body temperature, nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate, headache, redness of the skin, and more. According to reports, more than 40,000 suspected cases of heat stroke were recorded in 2024.

Low blood pressure:

According to Dr. Rawat, during the summer season, our blood vessels expand, which causes a decrease in blood pressure. People with low blood pressure problems should take extra precautions during this season.

Kidney stones:

Due to lack of water in the body during hot weather, the risk of kidney stone formation also increases. For people who already have kidney stone problems, pain is triggered during this time of the season. Drink plenty of water to avoid kidney stones during summer.

Skin problems:

Heat stroke can lead to several skin conditions, such as dry skin and heat rashes that can cause red spots or light, itchy blisters.

How to avoid these problems?

According to Dr. Rawat, to avoid these serious health problems during hot weather:

  1. People should drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water a day.
  2. Avoid leaving your house if it is not necessary
  3. If you have to go out, make sure you stay hydrated.
  4. Drink ORS or lemonade after you get home.
  5. If you feel hot in your body, take a bath immediately to lower your body temperature.
  6. Eat fruits and vegetables with high water content.
  7. If problems still persist, contact a health expert immediately.

Follow these expert-recommended tips to keep your body healthy and fit during the summer.

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