Dating app uses Khushi Kapoor and Vedang Raina to empower women with 'opening moves'

Today, Bumble, the dating app for women, launched an integrated campaign across India highlighting Opening Moves, featuring new content with Bollywood actors Khushi Kapoor and Vedang Raina. Opening Moves is the dating app's new feature added to its Make The First Move functionality that gives women the option to set a question that their partners can answer, creating a new way to interact with connections while staying to women in control.

In the app's new movie, Khushi and Vedang bond thanks to the app's new Opening Moves feature, with Khushi asking Vedang questions like “Most iconic first date idea?” and “What's your guilty pleasure?” Their interactions reveal personal anecdotes, showcase their vibrant chemistry, and highlight the shift in the dating experience by offering more options for how women can make the first move on Bumble.

Talking about this association, actor Khushi Kapoor shares, “Being a part of this collaboration is really exciting for me. It represents a crucial shift in contemporary dating dynamics, empowering women to take charge of their own romantic journeys. “I'm honored to be working with Bumble on this campaign that helps transform the dating landscape, which is something that's really important to me and my generation.”

Vedang Raina, actor, added: “Making the first step isn't always easy and I love that Bumble has continually chosen to stay true to its women-first philosophy by updating how women can continue to start conversations on their own terms with the introduction of Opening Moves! I'm thrilled to be part of a campaign spearheading a shift toward a more equitable dating atmosphere. I hope that by seeing us try Opening Moves, women will see that they can use it to prioritize their dating preferences and approaches.”

The app campaign and this partnership come at a time when women's experiences have evolved, especially when it comes to empowerment in online dating. Staying true to the app's mission, equality remains a priority in relationships and the overwhelming majority (92%) of women say it is a prominent marker in romance. However, the way women define equality has evolved, with nearly 9 in 10 (88%) single women surveyed on the app globally saying that today, equality is about personal choice and autonomy to decide. what is right for you.

Commenting on the campaign launch, Lucille McCart, Bumble's APAC communications director, said: “We know it's important for women to have control over their experience, but we've also heard that some women feel like they're doing all the work. . In response to this, we present an option on how to connect on Bumble. Now, more than ever, we need to stand up for women, so we're looking at this reboot as Bumble's renewal of vows: building the next chapter of dating that continues to put women at the forefront.”

“As we roll out these updates, our founding principle of empowering women in every connection and relationship remains unchanged. “We are excited to collaborate with Vedang and Khushi on our India campaign on Opening Moves, which underlines Bumble’s continued commitment to improving dating for women by putting their experiences first,” she adds.

Women can use one of Bumble's recommended opening moves or create their own. According to Bumble research, nearly half of women (46%) surveyed on Bumble shared that having more ways to start a conversation would make their experience on the dating app even better.

Whether using Bumble's suggested pickup moves or creating their own, women now have strong tools at their disposal to forge meaningful connections on the platform.

We make them talk about the experience:

What excites you both most about partnering with Bumble for your campaign in India, especially with the focus on 'Opening Moves'?

This partnership is really exciting because Bumble has opened a lot of doors when it comes to dating by making the process much easier and less intimidating, especially for women. The new 'opening movements' function allows you to break the ice and start conversations in a more relaxed and organic way. I'm thrilled to be a part of introducing this idea in such a fun way.

This is a really exciting partnership because I feel like Bumble has opened a lot of doors when it comes to dating and made the whole process much easier and less intimidating, especially for women. I think with the new 'opening moves' feature it allows people to break the ice and start a conversation in a much more relaxed and organic way, and it's great to be a part of introducing this idea in such a fun way.

Khushi, what's a fun opening move that you would recommend your friends use?

I would definitely recommend creating your own opening moves based on your personal preferences and experiences, making it more personal to you individually. For example, you could say, “Hey, I have a fun idea to start our date! Let's break the ice with a spontaneous question: What is the most spontaneous thing you have done in your life? It could be anything from a last-minute trip to an impromptu adventure. I love hearing about those exciting moments that make life memorable!

I would definitely ask everyone to make their own opening moves based on their personal preferences and experiences to make it a little more personal for them individually.

What advice would you give to young people navigating the world of online dating?

Bumble is truly a simple and effective way to connect with people you may not have met in person. If you stay true to yourself and are open to sharing and connecting, you can meet special people. Bumble encourages genuine interactions, making it a great way to form meaningful, long-lasting relationships.

Honestly, it's a really easy way to connect and find people you otherwise wouldn't have met in person, and as long as you're true to yourself and open to the idea of ​​sharing and connecting, I think it's a really great way to meet special people.

Could you give us some insights or memorable moments from your personal dating experiences that have shaped your perspective or influenced your participation in this campaign?

When you're just getting to know someone, it can be a little awkward and difficult to know what to say and how to say it. Personally, as a very shy person, I know how difficult this can be. 'Opening Moves' is incredibly useful for starting a conversation without the stress of finding the perfect words or worrying about making the right impression.

When you're first getting to know someone, it can be a little awkward and complicated knowing what to say and how to say it, and I know that I'm personally a super shy person, so this is definitely something that I feel like helps a lot in being able to start that conversation without having to. to worry about nothing else.


What excites you both most about partnering with Bumble for your campaign in India, especially with the focus on 'Opening Moves'?

Taking the first step can be daunting, and I appreciate that Bumble stays true to its philosophy of putting women first, allowing them to start conversations on their own terms. The introduction of 'Opening Moves' highlights Bumble's commitment to creating a more equitable dating environment. Recognizing the challenges men face with the expectation of making the first move, this initiative is a refreshing change. By participating in this campaign and demonstrating how to use 'Opening Moves', I hope to inspire women to prioritize their dating preferences and approaches, fostering a comfortable and safe dating atmosphere.

Bumble is a great platform for people to meet each other and build relationships. Knowing how difficult it can be for men considering they are always expected to make the first move, I think opening moves are a great new initiative.

Vedang, what do you think makes 'Opening Moves' stand out from other dating app features and how do you think users will respond?

Opening Moves makes starting conversations easier and more fun for everyone. It's often difficult to take the first step, but this new feature makes it easier for both men and women. Bumble's 'Opening Moves' empower women by allowing them to choose from suggested questions or create their own, ensuring every connection is personal and engaging. This feature keeps Bumble's promise of putting women first, giving them more control over their dating experience. I think users will love it! 'Opening Moves' offers a new and engaging way to connect, and I'm excited to see users enjoying this new feature and the interesting conversations it will generate.

It's not always easy to take the first step. The opening moves make it easy for both men and women to start the conversation.

What advice would you give to young people navigating the world of online dating?

Don't be intimidated by online dating; It's a great way to meet new people and build relationships. Be yourself and create an authentic profile that reflects your true personality. Take your time getting to know someone before meeting them in person and communicate your boundaries clearly. Keep an open mind and enjoy the process with a positive attitude. The goal is to find meaningful connections, so be true to yourself and have fun along the way!

I would advise you not to be intimidated by the idea of ​​online dating. It is a great way to build relationships and you should try to know that.

Could you give us some insights or memorable moments from your personal dating experiences that have shaped your perspective or influenced your participation in this campaign?

It is not easy for everyone to take the first step. The initial step is always the hardest, but it gets easier afterward. I feel like this campaign is the perfect way to get things going because it addresses that difficulty head-on. By encouraging people, particularly women, to take that first step, Bumble's 'Opening Moves' initiative makes starting conversations less intimidating. This campaign provides the support and confidence needed for people to overcome their doubts, making it a crucial step in fostering meaningful connections and a more balanced dating environment.

It is not easy for everyone to take the first step. It is the first step that is always difficult but then it becomes easier. I feel like this campaign is perfect to get things going.

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