Beware of Fake ORS: How to Identify and Avoid Them

Fake ORS are reportedly high in sugar. (Representative image)

In conditions like diarrhea, vomiting and fainting, doctors recommend mixing ORS in water and drinking it.

Copies of many branded items are currently available on the market. This includes everything from clothing to bottled beverages and everyday items. Even medicines are sometimes fake. Yes, there are many counterfeit products available today and it is very difficult to identify them. People, without realizing it, buy and consume these products. Adulteration of some of these foods can be life-threatening. ORS powder is in high demand during summer. Now, it has come to light that similar fake powders are being manufactured and sold. Today, let's take a look at how to identify fake ORS.

Why is it recommended to drink ORS mixed with water?

In conditions like diarrhea, vomiting, and fainting, doctors recommend mixing ORS in water and drinking it. It works to maintain the balance of electrolytes and fluids in the body. So if you drink fake powdered ORS instead of the real thing, you can do more harm than good. Children are mainly affected by this.

Serious problems that fake ORS can cause include:

Fake ORS are reportedly high in sugar. If you suffer from diarrhea, drinking ORS may worsen your condition. This can cause you to become dehydrated. The sodium in fake ORS is also minimal. It disrupts the balance of electrolytes in the body, which risks swelling of the brain. Apart from this, you may face many other complications.

How to recognize fake ORS?

You may see FSSAI certification written on fake SRO packages. It will be a brand in its own category of food products. On the other hand, the package of genuine ORS powder will have the WHO formula written on it. True ORS belongs to the category of medicines and is formulated according to strict guidelines. Making the powder ensures that its quality is maintained.

In this case, when purchasing ORS, be sure to check the instructions written on its packaging, the ingredients used to make it, and the regulatory symbols. Original ORS products have different labels indicating their quality.

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