Ash Reshteh (Persian Bean, Vegetable and Noodle Soup) Recipe

Ash reshteh, named for the square-edged, linguine-like noodles called reshteh, is one of those soups that seems to have as many variations as the home cooks who make it. Some recipes only call for chickpeas, others chickpeas and one or three other types of beans. Some recipes say to add a whole bottle of kashk (a fermented whey sauce) before serving, while others use kashk as a garnish and still others omit it in favor of yogurt, kefir, or a vegan cashew cheese sauce. Variations include or exclude garlic, dill, and mint. One recipe calls for a bunch of spinach, another for a pound, and a third for 2 pounds. It is a type of soup in which you cannot make any mistakes. The kind of soup you make even if you can't find a single ingredient. A generous soup.

Note that this hearty vegetarian soup can be made vegan by topping it with a non-dairy yogurt instead of kashk (sold in many Middle Eastern markets).

From the story: The 'soup for dinner' life: It's easy, it's delicious. A never boring way to lose weight

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