Alcohol for Exercise, 5 Habits That Can Trigger Insomnia

Checking phones before going to bed should be avoided.

Insomnia increases the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease.

It is very important to sleep well and follow a balanced diet to stay fit. Sleep helps in recovery and better development of our body. This is the reason why it is recommended for all people to sleep at least 7-8 hours at night. Sometimes when we cannot sleep well at night, we may be worried about problems such as fatigue and headache. Not only this, being a victim of insomnia increases the risk of suffering from diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and heart diseases. Did you know that there are some habits that can also cause insomnia? Today, let's know more about this from Dr. Amitesh Aggarwal, Head of Medicine Unit, GTB Hospital, Delhi.

1. Don't use your cell phone: Avoid working on a smartphone, laptop or iPad after lying in bed at night. Also, don't make the mistake of sending a message to a friend or family member or joining a group chat right before going to sleep. By doing this, you will not be able to fall asleep quickly, which can affect your sleep cycle.

2. Tea and coffee consumption: Many people like to drink tea and coffee just before going to bed. It's one of the wrong things to do. As caffeine is present in tea and coffee, it keeps the brain awake. This is why you should avoid drinking tea, coffee, chocolate, cola, soft drinks or energy drinks after dinner at night.

3. Avoid exercise: It is best to avoid exercising right before bed. In fact, when we exercise before bed, our body and mind are greatly stimulated. This can keep you awake. You should try to exercise in the morning or at night.

4. Sleeping immediately after studying: Sleeping immediately after studying at night can also make you a victim of insomnia. When one goes to sleep immediately after studying, the mind remains absorbed in the same work even while sleeping. One should try to complete his important work a little before sleeping and then go to sleep.

5. Don't drink alcohol: According to experts, one can fall asleep quickly after drinking alcohol. They may have to face problems such as restlessness and frequent opening of the eyes during sleep. In addition to this, you should avoid eating anything heavy before bed or late at night. It can provide energy to the body and activate the brain.

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