William Daniels and Bonnie Bartlett reveal marital struggles due to their parents

William Daniels and Bonnie Bartlett reveal marital problems due to their parents

William Daniels and Bonnie Bartlett showed that marriages can last, with a beautiful love story of more than seven decades, but it was not always a bed of roses.

During a joint interview with People Magazine, the couple revealed that their parents were unhappy with their marriage.

They told the outlet that their parents “didn't want to come, but then they said they would.”

He In the middle of the rainbow The author said: “None of our parents approved of our marriage.”

“Bill had left the church. My family wanted me to be an Episcopalian and I said, 'No,'” he said.

Bonnie went on to say, “When I was 18, I preached a sermon at the church there called ‘You’re a Christian, so what? ’ But I wrote our wedding script and left God out of it.”

He added: “My minister, whom I loved, helped me with that. We were very close, my minister [and I]. “I just didn't believe in all that stuff, but we were very close.”

It is pertinent to mention that William and Bonnie were married on June 30, 1951, in Moline, Illinois.

In 1961, Bonnie gave birth to her son, William Jr, who died just 24 hours after his birth.

The couple later adopted two sons, Michael and Robert in 1964 and 1966, respectively.

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