Theo James and Kaya Scodelario in Guy Ritchie's 'The Gentlemen'

This article contains spoilers for Netflix's “The Gentlemen.”

Despite having similar careers, Theo James and Kaya Scodelario had never met before being cast in “The Gentlemen,” a Netflix spinoff of Guy Ritchie's 2019 crime comedy. Both have starred in adult book adaptations. young, they appeared on popular television shows and played equally with big studio films and eclectic independent films. So joining the series, created by Ritchie and co-written with Matthew Read, was another tandem step.

“I feel like he makes good decisions,” Scodelario says of James. “It's very good to know on day 1 that you already respect the person without having worked with them yet.”

In the show, James plays Eddie Halstead, a member of a British aristocratic family who becomes a duke when his father dies suddenly. He soon realizes that his estate is home to a marijuana empire run by Bobby Glass (Ray Winstone) and his daughter Susie, played by Scodelario. Eddie finds himself descending deeper and deeper into the criminal underworld with the help of Susie, and eventually discovers that he “has the heart of a killer,” as James says. It's a wild ride in Ritchie's signature style.

“In Guy's world, you have to combine, very clearly, humor and comedy, but you can't be ridiculous because then everything at stake is completely lost,” says James. “It continually undermines the sense of expectation as an audience, which I quite enjoy. Nothing is totally serious and I think that's crucial. It is not 'succession'.”

In the eight episodes, which exist as a standalone story from the film and are now streaming, Eddie and Susie first collaborate, then stab each other in the back, and finally realize that they are better as a team. Much of the series changed and evolved on set during the long production process, which took place in England.

In the series, Theo James plays Eddie Halstead, a member of an aristocratic British family who becomes a duke when his father suddenly dies.

(Cristobal Rafael / Netflix)

“You have to be alert and willing to swing with what Guy is feeling that day,” James says. “And that can be quite liberating.”

“As it progressed we were able to enjoy it a little more because we got used to Guy's work pace,” adds Scodelario. “But the beginning made me quite anxious, simply because the most important thing for an actor is to show up and learn his lines, and that goes out the window with him. “It was an interesting experience.”

Here, James and Scodelario discuss how they developed their characters for the series, why Eddie and Susie never became romantic couples, and whether there could be more episodes. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

What was the most exciting thing for each of you about this series?

Kaya Scodelario: I knew the movie and enjoyed it, but I was curious to see what the female character would be. Once I was offered the role, I took a second to talk to the creatives involved just to make sure Susie would be a part of the show throughout the entire process. I only had two episodes to read and I wanted to make sure she really made an impact. I always feel like I owe it to the character I play to make sure she has the best story possible, and I was very aware that she was a woman in Guy Ritchie's universe.

James Theo: I liked the fusion of two worlds, the aristocracy and the criminal underworld. Guy Ritchie has touched on that in the past. But the idea of ​​that being part of the focus, of bringing these two genres together, was exciting. At the end of the day, it is a piece of entertainment. But some of the assumptions behind that were very interesting, like that the British aristocracy was essentially criminal for controlling the land and being able to pass it down from generation to generation. We're still very class-driven, so putting that out there in the most grand way possible was interesting.

Theo, it was “The white lotusDid you already broadcast when they chose you?

Scodelario: The first episode aired like the day before filming and I felt so bad for you. It was day 1 on set and you were on the biggest show at the time. And your d… is in it.

James: Yes, it came out literally the day we started. [But] They are very different roles. With Cameron [in “The White Lotus,”] I wanted it to be as lively and consuming as possible. While Eddie is the complete opposite. He represents Great Britain. He is quite closed off, both metaphorically and physically. He is more of an observer than a statement maker, while Cameron represents that interesting part of American culture. He was almost going to the opposite pole.

How did you determine how restrained Eddie should be?

James: It was deliberate, in a way, although I must say that Guy and I had many heated conversations. We talked constantly about Eddie's motivation because he wanted him to be more reserved, but I wanted to make sure he was active. It's not that we would ever emulate “The Godfather,” because it's one of the greatest movies of all time and it's a comedy, but the idea of ​​Michael Corleone evolving from a person of moral status to someone whose soul is corrupted was always one. point of contact for me and also for the writers.

A woman sitting in front of a neon sign holds her hand near her face.

“I always feel like I owe it to any character I play to make sure they have the best story possible, and I was very conscious of that being a woman in Guy Ritchie's universe,” said Kaya Scodelario.

(Cristobal Rafael / Netflix)

Kaya, what kind of bow did you want to make sure Susie had?

Scodelario: I wanted it to be multifaceted. I wanted to see her adapt and go toe to toe with [her father], and I think we did… She's the first real woman I've ever played. She has been a long line of teenagers and young adults. It was really cool to play someone who was already there, who is at the top of her game, who is confident and unapologetic.

It seems significant that Eddie and Susie never have a romantic relationship throughout the eight episodes.

James: We talked about the idea that [Eddie and Susie] They have chemistry, but they are never realized or updated. I think you lose the chemistry and cheapen it the moment you have it.

Scodelario: Bonk for the sake of it.

James: I think at some point they were going to get screwed. But fortunately, we said, “No, thank you.”

Scodelario: It's also realistic. They are busy. There's stuff happening all the time, and it's really intense that they're happening together. I wouldn't fit in this world: sex is not fun. This is a comedy and the humor comes from the high stakes and the journey the characters take.

As the series progresses, Eddie and Susie become adversaries. How much did you discuss that tension?

James: The scripts were different, actually. The show spans eight episodes and we were very interested in showing them how they go through a breakup in their relationship; otherwise the stakes are not affected. We had to make them succeed as a team to separate them and make them enemies.

Scodelario: It's actually my favorite part of the show, where we go at each other for a while and then see how important each other is to each other. He is also honest. This is a new and vulnerable relationship and problems are going to arise. It was fun to play with the idea of ​​”Is there anything romantic?” and put it in your employment relationship.

James: I almost wished that at some point they would go further and betray each other to the point of not returning.

A man and woman on a bridge overlooking a body of water and skyscrapers in the distance.

Theo James on Eddie and Susie's relationship: “We had to establish them being successful as a team to separate them and make them enemies.”


Did you have the eight scripts when you started filming?

James: Oh, God, no. They were not written.

Scodelario: They weren't even an idea yet.

James: We had an outline of where the characters were going, although it didn't go there. I mean, we knew there was going to be a break-in at the end. But it really evolved during the process… But I feel like it's emblematic of Guy's world. Even if they had every episode polished and ready to go, it would have changed anyway. It is certainly disconcerting. But sometimes there is freedom in not knowing, as long as you are in a collaborative space, and fortunately, we were all up to the challenge in terms of casting.

Was there ever a conversation about connecting the series to the movie or incorporating cameos?

James: No, actually, and I was very glad that wasn't the case. It's set in the world, but the characters don't overlap. Cross-pollination would have been too complicated. The film exists in its own space and the story is very different. This is [about] merging two worlds. It is a clear, linear story of ascension and betrayal. It felt better that they didn't have any connection. You do not agree?

Scodelario: I agree. I mean, it would have been nice to meet Matthew McConaughey, but in some ways he would have been more confusing. You'd have to really lean into that and go full throttle. Having two or three people from the movie come into this world seems a bit half-hearted. It's more interesting to have a completely blank slate to go on this journey with these people. And those decisions are well above our pay grade. I can't call Matthew and say, “Come on, come down for a while.”

Has there been discussion about a second season?

Scodelario: None we've had yet.

James: Actually, I felt like it was all over.

Scodelario: You never know what will work until it's available in the world, so there's no point in thinking about it too much. It seems like a complete story to me. I'm happy with it and I'm proud of it. They have closed the circle [as characters]. But if there were more, maybe it could be really interesting.

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