The government imposes restrictions on ministers and government officials

Image of a Pakistan International Airline (PIA) plane flying in the air. -APPLICATION
  • The Cabinet Division issues the travel policy.
  • Government officials were prohibited from staying in five-star hotels.
  • Support staff were also banned from traveling abroad.

The federal government has issued a foreign travel policy that imposes restrictions on federal ministers and government officials of the country traveling abroad. Geographic news reported on Monday citing official documents.

The Cabinet Division issued the travel policy in light of the decisions of the federal cabinet.

In the absence of an unavoidable situation, permission to travel abroad must be obtained from the committee created for austerity. The government has also prohibited officials from staying in five-star hotels during their visits abroad.

“Federal ministers, state ministers, advisors and assistants will be authorized to make three visits to foreign countries in a year. In special circumstances, these visits may be extended,” the documents state.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce have been exempt from this prohibition.

All divisions must obtain a no-objection certificate from the Economic Affairs Division to visit any international financial institution.

According to the policy, “support staff are also prohibited from traveling abroad. A minister and his secretary cannot travel abroad at the same time. They may be allowed to travel abroad simultaneously in unavoidable circumstances.”

The documents said that in any case, for exemption, the minister or division concerned would have to seek permission from the prime minister.

The documents encourage efforts where possible for embassy officials to attend conferences abroad.

The President, Chief Justice, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, Chiefs of Services, Senators, Members of the National Assembly, Federal Secretaries, Additional Secretaries and Ambassadors shall have the right to travel in first class, while business class has been authorized for the prime minister. president of the Senate and president of the National Assembly.

Foreign ministers, federal ministers and state ministers are also authorized to travel in business class, according to the documents.

Whereas federal government officials have been allowed to travel in economy class for foreign trips. The documents mention that the first priority for foreign travel should be to travel through Pakistan International Airlines (PIA).

Cabinet members have been asked to refrain from traveling abroad and within the country during sessions of the National Assembly and the Senate.

“It is mandatory to submit all details of trips abroad to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within 15 days,” they mentioned.

Government officials and ministers have been instructed to refrain from establishing contact with countries with which Pakistan has severed diplomatic relations.

“It is mandatory to obtain permission from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of External Affairs to visit India. Hosting foreign companies should be discouraged. “Experts and consultants may make visits only during bilateral talks,” the documents read.

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