Soldier martyred during attack on Pakistani peacekeeping mission in Abyei

Two officers were also injured when a convoy of Pakistani peacekeepers was ambushed in a disputed region, says ISPR

Sepoy Muhammad Tariq (resident of Badin, Sindh) embraced martyrdom during the exchange of fire. — ISPR/Archive
  • Pakistani peacekeepers ambushed Abyei while escorting patients.
  • Pakistani peacekeepers forced the militants to retreat.
  • The UN chief conveyed his “deepest condolences” to Pakistan.

A Pakistani soldier from a peacekeeping mission was martyred and two officers were injured in Abyei, a disputed area between Sudan and South Sudan, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement.

He said a convoy of Pakistani peacekeepers was ambushed in Abyei while escorting two local patients to a hospital on January 28.

“Pakistani peacekeepers responded effectively and forced the militants to retreat. However, during the exchange of fire, Sepoy Muhammad Tariq (resident of Badin, Sindh) embraced martyrdom, while four people, including two officers, were injured,” he added.

Pakistan's peacekeeping contingents have always been distinguished by their professionalism and devotion to duty, the army's media wing said.

Till date, he said as many as 181 Pakistani peacekeepers have laid down their lives serving the cause of peace across the world.

“Pakistan remains committed to its role as a responsible member of the international community and will continue to contribute to global peace and stability under the auspices of the United Nations.”

In a statement issued by Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the UN Secretary General, António Guterres conveyed his “deepest condolences to the Government and people of Ghana and Pakistan, as well as to the families of the deceased civilians.”

Fighting between rival communities in a disputed region claimed by both Sudan and South Sudan has left 54 ​​people dead, including two UN peacekeepers, the UN said on Monday, calling for calm.

Clashes in Abyei, a disputed oil-rich territory on both sides of the border between the two countries, broke out over the weekend, according to local authorities.

The United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) said it “strongly condemns these attacks against civilians and peacekeepers.”

“Currently, according to local authorities, 52 civilians have lost their lives, while another 64 are seriously injured,” he added.

He said peacekeepers were attacked on Sunday “while transporting affected civilians from a UNISFA base to a hospital.”

A Pakistani hulk was killed and “four uniformed personnel and a local civilian were injured,” he said.

A Ghanaian peacekeeper was killed on Saturday, UNISFA added, calling for an investigation into the violence.

— With additional information from AFP

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