'SNL' alum Victoria Jackson says her cancer has returned and is inoperable

“Saturday Night Live” alum Victoria Jackson confirmed Wednesday that her cancer has returned and she estimates she has less than three years to live.

“Cancer update: I have 34.8 months to live if I don’t get hit by a meteor, shot by a MAGA hater, get Covid again, or WWIII breaks out,” she wrote on Instagram on Wednesday.

The 65-year-old comedian, who announced in 2016 that she had breast cancer, has been chronicling her health journey in her Instagram video series “Is Cancer Back?” In the 11th installment on Wednesday, she shared an 8-minute clip in which she explains why the latest development would likely be terminal.

“They can't operate on me and remove the marble that's in my chest and that's on my trachea, and that would eventually suffocate me to death,” he said.

The “Ocean Ave.” and “Romeo!” actress added that her doctors are giving her “a magic pill” — based on the cancer growth blocker ribociclib — that will “shrink the marble.” People who take it have “32.6 months to live, something like that,” she said, citing her online research.

“And I think that’s great. I mean, the Bible says we have seventy years for a normal life span. Don’t count the Methuselahs who lived to be 900 years old back then. I’ve had a fantastic life,” he added.

Jackson said she thought she heard God say to her, “Ready to go home?” as she lay in bed, and that gave her comfort.

“He said it like we were just hanging out… and I was like, well, this Earth is exploding right now with Satanic stuff,” she said. However, there were still some things he wanted to see before he died, including the birth of his daughter in October and meeting his grandson.

“I wouldn’t change anything,” he said. “I think I’d like to ask God if I could die in my sleep.”

Jackson broke into Hollywood when Johnny Carson noticed her comedy routine and repeatedly featured her on the “Tonight” show. She starred in six seasons of “Saturday Night Live” from 1986 to 1992, where she leaned into her dumb blonde role, ukulele playing and childhood gymnastics training to appear on “Weekend Update,” and did impressions of Sally Struthers and Zsa Zsa Gabor.

The comedian claimed to have left the sketch show to pursue a godly family life, marrying her high school sweetheart and moving to Florida. In a 2012 interview, her former agent claimed Jackson had been “dumped” because she was alienating cast and crew with her religious views.

Jackson has also made headlines for her right-wing political views and joining the Tea Party, which she wrote about in her 2012 memoir, Is My Bow Too Big? How I Went From SNL to the Tea Party. She made headlines again last summer, notably when she appeared at a Tennessee city council meeting (where she once ran for office) to condemn Pride celebrations amid the state’s dispute with anti-LGBTQ+ legislation.

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