Rocker Sid Wilson will be looking a little different after severely burning his face last week.
Slipknot's DJ and keyboardist burned off his eyebrows and “melted” much of his skin after a bonfire exploded while he was working on his farm. He said he doesn't expect to need surgery or skin grafts to treat the wounds, but he's not yet sure how he'll wear the heavy metal band's iconic masks and costumes during their ongoing tour.
According to Slipknot's website, the band is scheduled to play a concert on Sunday in Pryor, Oklahoma, and has vowed to return to the stage despite their injuries.
The 47-year-old has been chronicling his gruesome recovery on Instagram, first describing the injuries he sustained on Friday while hooked up to various medical devices at a medical facility where medical professionals bandaged his wounds and took his medical history. He said he had “severe burns” on his face and arms and that the incident had singed his eyebrows and caused blisters in his mouth.
Kelly Osbourne and Sid Wilson of Slipknot attend the 66th Annual Grammy Awards in February.
(Jordan Strauss/Invision/Associated Press)
“I'm allergic to fire, apparently,” he said in an Aug. 23 video, joined by girlfriend Kelly Osbourne, who has been helping him tend to his wounds. In the videos, the reality TV star, daughter of rocker Ozzy Osbourne, applied various ointments and bandages to Wilson's wounds, gave him a sponge bath and helped him remove burned skin from his face.
Wilson continued to post additional updates on Instagram Live, assuring fans that he would be okay while he was being moved to a better burn center. He eventually returned home and compared his swollen appearance to “cheap Botox.” He said he thought he would have to shave his head.
Speaking to Fox Digital News on Wednesday, Wilson warned: “Don’t play with fire. It will always win.”
He said his entire right arm and half of his left arm are bandaged and his face is “basically melted from the nose down.” But the swelling and pain have subsided. While he has “had better days,” he seemed grateful to be alive and said he is “doing well.”
The musician told the outlet that the explosion occurred after he had been working on a woodpile at his farm in Iowa, where he lives with Osbourne and their 1-year-old son, Sidney.
“A few nights ago, I lit it and let it burn,” he said. “So, the next day, I went to check on it to see how much, if anything, was left. And there was still a certain amount of debris around the side, so, like a fool, [did] What I shouldn't do, but I added a little gas to it.”
And his “lack of patience” got the better of him. Instead of staying away from the pile, he bent down, reached out and turned it on.
“Just… wow! It blew up,” he said.
He and his family drove to the nearest urgent care center and Wilson had to be subsequently transferred to a larger hospital in Des Moines, a trip he chronicled on Instagram. His memory became “fuzzy” after that because he was given painkillers. Osbourne told Fox he was transferred to a burn unit in Iowa City, about two hours from Des Moines, and spent one night there before returning home, where she has been working as his caregiver.
“I’m not going to let it get me down,” Wilson said. “The hardest part is feeling stupid for doing it… It’s not even the physical part. It’s like, ‘Wow, I learned that the hard way. ’ Sometimes I have to make sure I slow down and really analyze the situation before I jump in headfirst.”
Wilson is apparently no stranger to performing through injuries. She boasted about previously touring with two broken heels, which she injured after jumping on a cement stage at the tour's first show.
“I finished the show for 45 minutes, standing, and then finished the tour in a wheelchair.”
On Tuesday, Osbourne posted Instagram stories showing Wilson's first visit to a nail spa and used various filters to alter her appearance.
In another clip, she said she was proud of him for getting dressed up so they could go out. But when she told him he looked fine, he laughed at her. She continued with more content showing her tending to his open wounds.