Ridley Scott praises 'Gladiator 2': 'The best work yet'

Ridley Scott praises 'Gladiator 2': 'The best work yet'

Ridley Scott is known for his pioneering films and to name his best work, he has given the crown to Gladiator 2.

During an interview with EmpireThe well-known filmmaker was full of praise for the upcoming sequel: “It's the best thing I've ever done,” adding: “Although [I have] “he made other great movies.”

The original period drama was a huge hit when it was first released and was in line with the Oscar-nominated director's taste in portraying history.

“I love making period films. I love research. I love creating period scents,” the 86-year-old actor said about what caught his attention. Gladiator.

“I think what we did with the first Gladiator… I don't like to criticize other things that came before, but honestly I wasn't the biggest fan of the Hollywood Roman epics.”

He continued: “I found them artificial and so when I was asked to consider a script, the script was not very good. But the person who gave it to me said, 'I want to show you something,' and he took an illustration. It's true, it's called For Those Who Are Going to Die, by Gérôme.”

“He's holding it up. It's a picture of a big painting of the Colosseum, and in the corner there's a guy about to stab this poor bastard with a fork. He's got this thing on his neck and he's looking up for permission to kill,” Ridley said. Deadline in 2021.

“I said, 'Fuck! That's never been done right before. Never. I said, 'I'll do it.' He said, 'You're doing it.' I said, 'Yeah. Did you want to read the script?' I said, 'No,' and we got to work and we got to work at the drawing board developing the new material.”

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