PTI’s Qureshi declared ineligible to contest elections from Multan stronghold

Nomination papers of Zartaj Gul and her husband Humayun accepted by Dera Ghazi Khan

PTI leader Shah Mahmood Qureshi speaking to the media. — AFP/Archive
  • Qureshi has been cleared to contest the polls from NA-214 constituency.
  • Court rejects appeal against approval of Maryam’s nomination papers.
  • Nomination papers of Jamshed Dasti’s wife and nephew are accepted.

MULTAN/LAHORE/PESHAWAR: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Senior Vice President Shah Mahmood Qureshi was declared ineligible to contest elections from his stronghold Multan as an election appeal court on Saturday rejected his appeal against the rejection of their nomination papers. News reported.

While Qureshi was allowed to contest the elections from NA-214 constituency in Umarkot town in Sindh, the appeal election tribunal rejected his appeal filed against the returning officer’s (RO) decision to reject his nomination papers for two seats. of the National Assembly and as many seats in the Punjab Assembly. in Multan.

He had filed nomination papers for constituencies NA-150 Multan-III, NA-151 Multan-IV and PP-218, PP-219.

speaking to NewsMultan High Court Bar Association president Rana Asif Saeed said the election court had rejected Shah Mehmood’s appeal, filed to restore his right to candidacy. The court had declared him ineligible to participate in the elections. Court of Appeal judge Sardar Muhammad Sarfraz Dogar delivered the verdict, he said.

Earlier, the ROs had rejected Qureshi’s nomination papers of NA-150 Multan-III, NA-151 Multan-IV and PP-218, PP-219, and he had filed appeals against the rejection of his nomination papers. However, the appeal court dismissed his appeals.

Meanwhile, the hearing of over 60 appeals continued in the election tribunal, set up on Saturday at the Multan Bench of the Lahore High Court.

The nomination papers of Zartaj Gul and her husband Humayun were accepted by Dera Ghazi Khan and the court declared her eligible to contest the elections.

The nomination papers of Jamshed Dasti’s wife Nazia Dasti and his nephew Samad Dasti were accepted, while their appeal against the rejection of the nomination papers was adjourned till Sunday. Nomination papers of Malik Niaz Ahmad Jhakkar and Malik Owais Haider Jhakkar of Leh NA-182 Multan were accepted.

Nomination papers of Irshad Arain of Multan-Burewala NA-156 were approved. Rizwan Shaukat’s nomination papers were also accepted.

Multan appellate judge Justice Sardar Muhammad Sarfraz Dogar and Justice Ali Zia Bajwa heard the appeals in the LHC Multan court. The appeals of NA-139 to NA-153 and NA-156 to NA-159, PP-193 to PP-224 and PP-229 to PP-236 were heard in the court of Judge Dogar.

The appellate court, headed by Justice Ali Zia Bajwa, heard appeals from NA-91, NA-92, NA-175 to NA-189 as well as provincial constituencies PP-89 to PP-93 and PP- 268 to PP- 297.

In Lahore, an appellate court held a hearing on an appeal filed against the approval of nomination papers of NA-130 Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif and ordered the petitioner to to appear in court until Sunday.

Petitioner Shahid Aurakzai failed to appear for the court summons for the second time on Saturday. The court discussed the recorder’s office’s objections to the petitioner’s appeal and gave him the last opportunity to appear to present arguments against the recorder’s office’s objections until Sunday.

The LHC appellate court rejected the appeal against approval of nomination papers of PML-N leader Maryam Nawaz of PP-80 Sargodha and the nomination papers were declared valid.

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