Prince William suffers a lonely existence and struggles with his own confusion.

Prince William suffers a lonely existence and struggles with his own confusion.

Experts believe that Prince William is going through a very lonely situation in his private life.

Broadcaster and photographer Helena Chard weighed in on all of this during her interview with FoxNewsDigital.

According to Chard, “I imagine Prince William has suffered his own private turmoil, as both his father and his wife are receiving cancer treatment at the same time and without the support of his brother, Prince Harry.”

“It must… be a lonely time,” she added, because “I know he cherishes every moment he spends with his wife as a loving husband and family man…”

“Both the Prince and Princess of Wales have had time to reflect on life while the princess was undergoing treatment,” too.

“They've spent as much time together as possible and, I imagine, are closer than ever.”

All in all, Ms Chard believes: “They have received an amazing wake-up call and will want to take advantage of each day and live the best life of their lives.”

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