Prince Harry's documentary 'monitored' by the palace to monitor 'what he is doing'

Prince Harry's new documentary is titled 'The Mission of Prince Harry: Life, Family and the Invictus Games'

Prince Harry's new documentary is titled 'The Mission of Prince Harry: Life, Family and the Invictus Games'

Palace staff have watched Prince Harry's documentary to see if it “reflects[s] in the crown.”

The Duke of Sussex recently released his documentary PHarry Harry's Mission: Life, Family and the Invictus Games, which represented his trip to Canada in anticipation of his remaining year at the Invictus Games.

Now, a former British butler to King Charles III, Grant Harold, says the palace must have seen the documentary: “The people who will watch him and watch what he does will be the men in suits in the palace, like Princess Diana.” called. “They will be the ones to ensure that this does not affect or reflect on the crown, the monarchy, the royal family and the king.”

He also said that Prince Harry used to value his privacy when he worked at the palace, but is now eager to make documentaries about his personal life.

“Who knows if he will do more,” he said. Alternative indexAdding, “When he worked for Charles, Harry liked his privacy, so unless that goes away completely, there may be a doctor who follows him everywhere.”

“Meghan has worked in television in the past, so she is comfortable with that. She has already done voiceover, podcasts and television products,” he added of the Duchess of Sussex.

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