Prince Harry uses taxpayers' money to fight his own ego as a Home Office representative

Prince Harry uses taxpayers' money to fight his own ego as a Home Office representative

Prince Harry has just been accused of having an ego problem rather than a security problem.

Prince Harry's hypocrisy has just been criticised by experts who believe it is a question of ego rather than security.

Royal commentator Nathan Kay has shared his thoughts on this.

He weighed in on a few topics during one of his most recent articles for UK Express.

In this article, the expert stated: “Given Prince Harry’s history of making spontaneous trips to the UK, the question arises: is this decision really due to security concerns, does it reflect other priorities or is it perhaps just an attempt to prove a point?”

Because in the past, Prince Harry flew out within 48 hours of his father's cancer diagnosis being made public.

Another case occurred during his flight across the Atlantic to attend the Queen's funeral, which received minimal notice.

In Mr Kay's eyes, this suggests that “when the matter is sufficiently urgent, security problems are either minimised or successfully managed”.

This raises the question of why Harry is continuing his crusade against the Home Office to improve his security.

This even led Mr Kay to wonder: “Is it because he feels inadequate with a lesser protection team now that he has stepped back from the Royal Family?”

“RAVEC appears to provide him with adequate security while he is in England, suggesting that the issue may have more to do with personal ego than actual security concerns,” he added before signing off.

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