Prince Harry replaced William with drugs after a tough battle

Prince Harry admits he became a drug addict due to loneliness after Prince William left.

The Duke of Sussex apparently couldn't come to terms with his brother's departure for university and admits to using drugs during his days at Eton.

Harry said in his memoirs 'Spare': “I don't remember how we got the material. I suppose it was one of my friends. Or maybe several.”

“When we found ourselves in possession of an item, we would commandeer a small bathroom upstairs, where we would implement a surprisingly thoughtful and orderly assembly line. Smoker would straddle the toilet by the window, the second child would lean on the sink, the third and fourth would sit in the empty tub, legs dangling, waiting their turn,” the Duke said:

He added: “We would smoke a hit or two, blow the smoke out the window and move on to the next station, taking turns, until we ran out of joints. Then we would all go to one of our rooms and laugh ourselves silly watching an episode or two of a new show. Family Guy.”

Speaking about his cocaine addiction, Harry continued: “At someone's country house, during a shooting weekend, I was offered a line, and I've smoked a few more since. It wasn't much fun, and it didn't make me particularly happy, as it seemed to do everyone around me, but it made me feel different, and that was the whole point. Feeling. Different. I was a deeply unhappy 17-year-old willing to try almost anything that upset the status quo. That's what I told myself anyway.”

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