Prince Harry reconsiders US citizenship after legal setback

Prince Harry recently said that the idea of ​​obtaining American citizenship has crossed his mind.

Prince Harry has been forced to reconsider his decision to take up US citizenship after losing his High Court challenge against the government over his safety during visits to the UK.

Although the Duke of Sussex has announced his plans to appeal the decision, a legal expert has said he may “reconsider” US citizenship.

Talking with The express, Paul Britton said that, lacking sufficient security guarantees upon his return to the UK, Harry will likely re-evaluate his decision to apply for US citizenship for himself and his family.

He said of the legal setback: “The decision was neither irrational nor marred by procedural injustice”, adding that Harry's lawyers had adopted “a formalistic and inappropriate interpretation of the Ravec process”.

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“This decision has been eagerly awaited by the legal community and the ruling was conclusive: the decision made by Ravec will not change and Prince Harry's security protection in the United Kingdom will not be increased. How this will affect Prince Harry's next steps remains to be seen,” he continued.

“Many anticipate that, without what he considers adequate security to protect him and his family upon his return to the United Kingdom, he will soon reconsider the decision to become a US citizen.

Britton further said: “Complicating all of this is his current US visa application, which is currently subject to its own legal battle.”

“This latest defeat for Prince Harry is undoubtedly crushing given the circumstances.”

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