Prince Harry plays silly games with Russian and Chinese propaganda

Prince Harry has just been warned about getting caught up in Russia and China's propaganda strategy.

Prince Harry plays silly games with Russian and Chinese propaganda

Prince Harry is currently being criticized for “getting caught up” in Russian and Chinese propaganda.

All of this has been delivered by opinion contributor Mark Toth and Jonathan Sweet.

They weighed in on it all during a candid piece for The Hill, and in it, the expert wrote, “Harry and Meghan's attention-seeking behavior was bad enough in the final years of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip's lives.” .

“They were over 90 years old and had more and more health problems. But now it is much worse, given the speed with which a global ideological war is taking over the world,” they also added.

Read more: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could go crazy after Kate becomes queen

All in all, it is evident that “Harry and Meghan are incapable of reading the room at a geostrategic level.”

Not to mention “devoid of much-needed guidance from Whitehall,” because “they are foolishly playing into the propaganda hands of Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping.”

“Simply put, it is time for Harry and Meghan to be formally stripped of their royal titles by an act of the British Parliament,” they added before concluding.

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