Prince Harry hates being a 'retired royal' amid UK return rumors

Prince Harry has reportedly offered King Charles to temporarily resume his royal duty to help.

Prince Harry hates being a 'retired royal' amid UK return rumors

Prince Harry is reportedly eager to resume his royal duties because he misses his past life, especially now that his father, King Charles, needs him.

Harry, the Duke of Sussex, does not like being a “retired” royal and counting the days until he returns to the royal family fold, an expert said Mirror.

According The times, The Duke of Sussex offered Charles a return to a “temporary royal role” to share the burden with his cancer-stricken father.

Speaking on the subject, Tom Quinn told the outlet: “Harry misses being a working royal; being a royal is the only thing he's qualified to do and he's getting really bored in California.”

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“He knows that to retain his value and the world's interest it is better that he not be a retired royal, so offering to come back to help at least reminds the world of who and what he is,” she added.

Quinn further stated that Harry is willing to temporarily have an actual “part-time” job so he can split his time between the US and the UK.

The expert said Harry would never come to the UK permanently without his wife, Meghan Markle, who is said to be against her husband's wishes.

“Harry knows that he will never be allowed to be a permanent royal who works part-time and stays six months in the United States and then six months in the United Kingdom,” Quinn said.

He continued: “The family no longer trusts him, and Meghan is absolutely against it. There's too much bad blood now for it to be a long shot.”

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