Prince Harry criticized for “serious deception” about King Charles' cancer

Prince Harry has just been reported for having a serious delusion about King Charles' cancer

Prince Harry criticized for “serious deception” about King Charles' cancer

Prince Harry has just been criticized for possessing “delusions of grace” regarding King Charles' cancer.

Royal commentator Daniela Elser has made reference to everything related to the Duke's recent talk with Good Morning America.

His comments came after the interview aired and included a candid conversation about Prince Harry's relationship with King Charles.

This also led Ms Elser to question the particularity of such a thing, in light of past events.

According to Elser, “even after James Corden, after Oprah Winfrey, after Dax Shepherd's Armchair Expert podcast, after ITV, after The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, after 60 Minutes, after Good Morning America, after the Telegraph, after the Today show and after six difficult hours in which he and Meghan recounted their every pang and feeling over Netflix, Harry circa 2024 still thinks doing an interview is a good idea.”

“What is the definition of insanity?” she asked in an attempt to make the point clear.

Read more: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle demand to be treated like royals amid website dispute

Because “This time, Harry is back on Good Morning America, being gently probed by interviewer Will Reeve, son of Superman star Christopher Reeve.”

“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, and also on a weekend, but my God,” she also added in her article for

He even questioned the duke's motives, admitting: “Does Harry really think that appearing on camera and chatting to Reeve is a sure-fire way to start mending family bridges as a Bunnings regular who's an expert at wielding a hammer?”

“That their interview will be the spark that makes Charles, back in London and watching his son air his most private feelings from the snowy slopes of Canada on an assistant's iPhone screen, decide that all is forgiven?” she also wondered before signing off.

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