Prince Harry calls for 'electric shocks' to get rid of Meghan Markle video

Prince Harry admits that watching Meghan Markle cozy up to her co-stars on screen hasn't been a pleasant sight in the past.

The former actress, who played the role of Rachel Zane in the TV show 'Suits', did not make Harry happy with her intimate scenes.

The Duke of Sussex admitted his agony in his memoir 'Spare': “I'd seen her and a co-star assaulting each other in some sort of office or conference room. I didn't need to see that stuff live.” He even joked about needing “electroshock therapy” to deal with the images burned into his mind.

This comes as Tom Bower revealed that the Palace had 'Suits' change the scripts to make Meghan Markle's on-screen presence more royal-friendly.

“The scripts were then sent to Kensington Palace for approval. Change orders were sent from London to Los Angeles. The most important requirement concerned Meghan's final scene at her 'wedding' to Mike. The Palace ordered that no photographs of Meghan in a wedding dress be taken. Between shoots, she was always required to wear a jacket over her dress. The atmosphere in the studio changed,” she revealed.

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