President Zardari recalls 'dark day' as PM Shehbaz mourns betrayal

Furniture burns outside the Jinnah House/Lahore Corps Commander House building in Lahore on May 9, 2023. – Reuters
  • I have never seen such an attack on facilities for political purposes: Zardari.
  • President asks that those responsible be brought to justice.
  • Prime Minister Shehbaz makes a distinction between sacrificial mentality and betrayal.

ISLAMABAD: As the country marks the first anniversary of the May 9 riots, President Asif Ali Zardari termed the incident as a “dark day” in the country's history that severely tarnished the country's image.

Lamenting the unrest for serving the interests of Pakistan's enemies, President Zardari said politically instigated mob attacks on military installations were an “attempt to defy the mandate of the State, undermine the rule of law and weaken institutions.”

The president's comments refer to unrest that broke out after the arrest of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder and former Prime Minister Imran Khan in the £190 million deal case and in which hundreds of protesters They broke in and destroyed military facilities and the government. buildings throughout the country.

During the protests, miscreants attacked civil and military installations including Jinnah House and General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi. The military called May 9 “Black Day” and decided to try protesters under the Army Law.

The incident led to a nationwide crackdown on the PTI, in which hundreds of people were arrested, some of whom are being tried by military courts, for their alleged involvement in the unrest.

In addition, dozens of senior leaders and political figures also broke away from the former ruling party in their attempt to distance themselves from the incident.

“We have never seen such vandalism in responsible democracies, with violent mobs wreaking havoc on state property for political gain,” said President Zardari, while highlighting that any attempt to abuse these rights to incite violence would never be tolerated.

Calling for accountability and for those responsible for the incident to be brought to justice, the president stressed the need for a joint effort by all political parties to promote “tolerance, democratic values ​​and political dialogue, and provide direction clear to the nation.” .

Zardari called the right to protest and constructive criticism a key part of the Constitution and said such rights must be exercised with “utmost responsibility, strictly respecting the limits of constitutional and legal provisions.”

Nation betrayed for personal benefits

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, in a statement, termed the May 9 riots as a day that effectively separated those who believe in sacrifice for the country, on the one hand, and those who betray the country for personal gains. .

“One year ago today, not only were the symbols of our national pride and honor attacked, but the sanctity of our sacred homeland was also attacked,” the prime minister said in a statement on his X account on Thursday.

He also ruled out any forgiveness for those who orchestrated, supported and helped the attempt to damage the foundations of the country.

“On the one hand, we have the great sons of the land, their families and the patriotic people who have shed their blood for the country; on the other, we have those who are consumed by the fire of hatred and have no regard for interests, institutions, constitution or national laws,” Prime Minister Shehbaz said in another statement issued the previous day.

Highlighting the sacrifices made by the martyrs, the prime minister said: “We promise the country, the great martyrs, their heirs and the nation that May 9 will never be forgotten. […] “We must move forward, overcome challenges and create a bright future for our future generations.”

“Let us honor the memory of our martyrs and continue our path towards progress and prosperity,” the prime minister added.

According NewsThe prime minister is scheduled to deliver a special speech in connection with the May 9 incidents at the Islamabad Convention Center to mark the first anniversary of last year's riots.

Sources say that a special meeting of the federal Cabinet will be held in Parliament today and May 9 will be declared a “black day”.

The Punjab and Balochistan assemblies were also convened on May 9 to condemn the incidents, sources added.

May 9 undecided cases irritate Center

A day earlier, the federal government expressed concern about the lack of decisions in prosecuting people allegedly involved in the May 9 riots and questioned why the cases have not yet been decided, the publication reported Thursday.

Speaking to the media in Islamabad, Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Attaullah Tarar regretted that despite irrefutable evidence against the perpetrators of the May 9 riots, neither the challans have been produced nor the accused They have been condemned.

Recalling the riots as a day when a chaos-prone political gang hatched a conspiracy and attacked the integrity, security and development of Pakistan, Tarar said the courts should expedite cases against the culprits, who did not hesitate to desecrate martyrs' monuments and attacked state institutions and buildings of national pride, including Jinnah House Lahore.

The minister also urged the youth to be aware of the elements that are bent on creating uncertainty and chaos to hamper the development and progress of Pakistan.

May 9 concerns the entire nation

On Tuesday, the army, through the Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (DG ISPR), Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry, had also called for the perpetrators and facilitators of the May 9 riots to be brought to justice to preserve the credibility and faith in the country. justice system.

“The issue of May 9 riots is not limited to the Pakistan Army but [in fact] concerns the entire nation,” the military spokesman said during a press conference in Rawalpindi.

“We saw that in a few hours only military installations were attacked. [and] Public outrage was seen when evidence of this came to light.

“The lies and deceit cannot continue […] “People accused of participating in the May 9 riots must be punished,” the military spokesman said.

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