PM Shehbaz vows to abolish all ministries and departments that burden public exchequer

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has vowed to abolish all institutions, ministries and departments that have become a burden on the exchequer, saying this move alone will save billions of rupees to taxpayers and put the country in the path to prosperity.

“The abolition of all ministries and departments that, instead of serving [nation]have become a burden for the masses is indispensable,” the prime minister said in his address to the nation on Saturday.

“When we came to power, the economic conditions were evident to everyone and we saved the country from default,” said the prime minister.

The prime minister credited the latest alliance of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) and top leaders of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), including President Asif Ali Zardari and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, for lifting the country out of a difficult economic situation. .

Appreciating his government's prudent economic policies, Prime Minister Shehbaz said the country is now moving on a path of progress after emerging from economic difficulties.

“However, this path is not only difficult and long, but also requires sacrifice from the top leadership of the government and the elite. The eyes of the entire nation are on the government to see how it leads Pakistan out of the crisis.” economic and achieves a revolution of prosperity in the country,” he added.

Prime Minister Shehbaz said that since he took back the reins of the country with the help of people's support in the form of votes and trust, inflation had fallen from 38% to 12% as a result of the government's policies.

Likewise, he stated, the interest rate on loans has been drastically reduced from the previous 22% to 20.5%.

“This would promote investment and the country would move on the path of prosperity at a faster pace,” Prime Minister Shehbaz said.

Chief Minister Shehbaz then referred to the latest price cuts in petrol and diesel as a “relief” for the inflation-hit masses.

However, he admitted that these measures are still not enough in the midst of the “inflationary storm” of the last four years that “broke the spine” of the poor classes.

Prime Minister Shehbaz promised the nation to take more measures to continue providing relief and reduce inflation, expand investments and provide higher education opportunities to the youth.

Prime Minister Shehbaz said that he promises that the dream of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and those who made sacrifices in creating this country will come true if the entire nation comes together on this point that we have to end our personal hatred and our ego. and rise above personal interest to serve the poor and helpless.

“We are not only serious about realizing Quaid's dream but also assure the nation that no difficulty will be an obstacle in our path if we work hard and keep alive the feeling of sacrifice and selflessness,” he added.

The Prime Minister said, “Regretting the past is of no use; instead, we must learn from it to regain Pakistan's lost glory.” He emphasized the commitment to realizing the vision of Quaid-e-Azam and said that with a spirit of sacrifice and dedication, “no one can hinder our progress.”

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