Patrick Warburton reveals his mother hated 'Family Guy'

Patrick Warburton reveals his mother hated 'Family Guy'

Family guy It won many fans for its satire, but its protagonist, Patrick Warburton's mother, Barbara Lord, was not among them.

Explaining the reason for her hatred, the actress who plays Joe Swanson said: The mirror, “There's a huge gap between me and my parents,” he adds, “Kind of like Family Guy, because they're so deeply religious that they would see it as blasphemy and not really understand that satire is what it is.”

Ironically, the money the 59-year-old sent to his mother from the Fox comedy's earnings went to a group calling for the show's cancellation.

“She has donated money to the Parents Television Council, and her biggest concern is getting Family Guy off the air,” he said.

Despite repeated attempts, Family guy It ran for 22 seasons and became one of the most successful sitcoms in television history.

Patrick, for his part, defended the “need for satire in society” and noted: “We need to be able to hold up the mirror; we need to be able to laugh.”

“I think in the comedy realm, we need to have that immunity in society so that comedians can feel free to swing the bat and they might fail, but if we don't have satire and we don't have humor, then we're all at a tremendous loss,” he concluded.

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