Meghan Markle's return to social media is impossible due to 'negative comments'

Meghan Markle will not return to social media after her recent complaints about online harassment.

The Duchess of Sussex, who admitted she was devastated by social media bullying during her pregnancy, says she is disappointed.

In the midst of her comments, public relations expert Rhea Freeman told us that it is difficult for the duchess to return to the networks.

“This would be a very good idea, she doesn't need to see the negative comments. They are not useful or productive and she will not change people's minds when they are determined to hate her,” she points out.

Meanwhile, the public relations firm's CEO, Michelby L. Whitehead, adds: “Meghan's decision to step away from Instagram was a big decision from a public relations perspective,” the publicity professional explained.

“In your role as Duchess of Sussex, it is imperative to maintain your integrity and a positive public image. Responding to any negative comments would spoil your public perception.

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