Meghan Markle “wants to join” Prince Harry in a happy moment, but left “waiting”

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were recently in Canada for the Invictus Games events

Meghan Markle suffered “awkward” attempts to get Prince Harry's attention in a clip from his new documentary about the Invictus Games.

The new documentary of the Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry's Mission: Life, Family and Invictus Gameshas appeared on Hulu and presents his interviews to commemorate the event One more year of the Invictus Games in Canada.

Body language expert Judi James weighed in on the clip in which the Sussexes enjoy a skeleton walk and highlighted Meghan's awkward moments.

Judi said Meghan seemed “very eager to join in and enjoy the euphoria with Harry,” but the duke continued talking and she was “left with a truncated hug plus two more conversion gestures of slight discomfort as she waits.”

“She touches her face and then raises her hand in a polite signal that she wishes to speak. She then touches her knitted hat and finally touches Harry to get his attention, smiling and covering her mouth with a collusive smile before saying 'Well '. done,'” said Judi Mirror.

Judi also shared her two cents about the documentary and its subject matter, noting that it's more about Prince Harry than the Invictus Games athletes.

Read more: Prince Harry's documentary comes to Hulu, a blow to Netflix

She said: “Harry might claim that 'these guys', i.e. the athletes, are the stars of the show, but it's clearly about Harry's 'Mission' and his reactions and feelings, plus some footage of him in action in the skeleton race.”

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