Meghan Markle told how to heal Royal Family 'wound'

Meghan Markle is apparently demanding a royal apology from the Royal Family for past mistreatment.

The Duchess of Sussex, who joined Prince Harry for a special interview with CBS this week, seemed to need an authentic outlet for her emotions.

Royal expert DR Tessa Dunlop told the Mirror: “For all their good intentions and conciliatory talk in other areas, the gulf between the Sussexes and the British royals remains as wide as ever.

She then suggests: “Until there is genuine and open contact between the House of Windsor and the Sussexes, the thesis of Harry and Meghan’s grief will continue to sting, undermining the credibility of both sides. As the duchess explained on Sunday, if their disclosure helps others, “then it’s worth it. I’ll take the hit for it.”

The expert added: “In the style of their trip to Nigeria, Harry and Meghan will soon take off for Colombia, all in the name of service. And rather than it being a service that complements the philanthropic brand established by the British royal family, it will be against it. I wish both sides could remember that they are stronger together. That doesn’t mean a reunited Harry and Meghan within the royal fold, but rather a public reconciliation and communication.”

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